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This research aims to determine the consumer decision-making
process in purchasing coffee at modern coffee shops and the
level of consumer satisfaction and loyalty towards modern
coffee shops in Medan Petisah District. The sampling technique
used in this study is purposive sampling. Data analysis using
descriptive analysis, CSI, IPA, and brand loyalty. Research
results obtained: 1) In The process of purchasing Miel Coffee
products, most consumers consider it important to drink coffee
every day, then choose to drink coffee at Miel Coffee because of
its attractive place and learn about Miel Coffee from friends
with the initial consideration to visit due to the comfort of the
place, then decide to buy spontaneously and feel satisfied after
consuming coffee at Miel Coffee. 2) The level of consumer
satisfaction with Miel Coffee's attributes is 82 percent, which
means consumers are delighted with the service provided by
Miel Coffee. Based on the Importance Performance Analysis
(IPA) results, the attributes that need to be maintained are
those in quadrant II. 3) The results of consumer loyalty at Miel
Coffee are pretty good. Miel Coffee consumers can be
considered quite loyal because most of them have recommended
that others buy from Miel Coffee.

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How to Cite
Siregar, N. S., Safitri, S. A., & Dalimunthe, A. G. (2024). CONSUMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY OF MODERN COFFEE SHOPS IN THE CITY OF MEDAN. Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business, 6(02), 335–354.