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This research aims to find out how the use of inputs affects the
results of lowland rice production and analyze the economic
efficiency of using subsidized fertilizers. This research was
conducted in three sub-districts which are rice centers in Musi
Rawas Regency, namely Purwodadi, Tugu Mulyo and Muara
Beliti sub-districts. The research sample was 150 farmers spread
across the three sub-districts. Data collection used primary and
secondary data. Data analysis used multiple linear regression
and Marginal Product Value. The research results show that the
factors that influence rice production results are labor and urea
fertilizer, while seed factors, phonska fertilizer, and pesticides
do not affect rice production. The results of calculating the
economic efficiency of subsidized fertilizer, namely urea
fertilizer, have the value that the efficiency index value
NPMx/Px > 1, namely 8.10. This means that the use of
subsidized urea fertilizer is not efficient, and Phonska fertilizer
has an efficiency index value of NPMx/Px > 1, namely 3.22. This
means that the use of subsidized Phonska fertilizer is not yet

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How to Cite
Primalasari, I., & Octalia, V. (2024). ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY TO USE OF INPUT (SUBSIDIZED FERTILIZER) IN RICE FARMING IN MUSI RAWAS REGENCY (Case Study of Sentra Beras Sub-district). Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business, 6(02), 211–226.