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Lemon is known as a horticultural commodity that has the highest
export value in Indonesia in 2021, reaching US$ 1,529 thousand
with a production level of 2,513.86 tons. This lemon business
opportunity can be a good prospect and has many benefits in
various industries. Cihaurbeuti District is one of the lemon
producing districts in Ciamis Regency, but there are fluctuations
in production and fluctuations in prices. This happens because
there are various farming risks such as production, cost, and
income risks faced by farmers. The objectives of this study are to
(1) identify the sources of risk of lemon farming, (2) analyze the
level of risk of lemon farming, and (3) develop strategies that can
be done by farmers in dealing with the risk of lemon farming in
Cihaurbeuti District. The analysis model uses descriptive analysis
and risk analysis (coefficient of variation). The results showed that
there are four sources of risk identified in lemon farming, namely
weather and climate, pests and diseases, production facilities, and
price fluctuations. Based on the results of the analysis, the greatest
level of risk faced in lemon farming is at the risk of costs with
coefficient variation 3.32 (CV>0.5), it caused by fluctuations in
input prices. The strategy carried out by farmers in dealing with
production risk is done mechanically and chemically, while the
cost risk strategy is to use a contingency budget, but has not done
a handling strategy in the face of income risk.

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How to Cite
Mutiarasari, N. R., Nuryaman, H., & Salam, R. (2024). RISK ANALYSIS OF LEMON CITRUS (Citrus limon) FARMING IN CIHAURBEUTI, CIAMIS . Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business, 6(02), 247–262.