Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business <p><strong>Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business</strong> was first published by the Department of Agricultural Socio Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Bengkulu in 2019. Journal of Agricultural Socio Economics and Business has a <strong>p-ISSN number of 2685-7243</strong>. Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business was published as a media for disseminating research results, reviews, and comment on published articles not only written by lecturers and students in the University of Bengkulu but also by other scientific communities.</p> Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), Universitas Bengkulu en-US Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business 2685-7243 <p>An author who publishes in the <strong>Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business</strong> agrees to the following terms:</p><p>Author retains the copyright and grants the journal the right of first publication of the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal</p><p>Submission of a manuscript implies that the submitted work has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or report, or abstract); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) still hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. For the new invention, authors are suggested to manage its patent before published. <span id="m_4863372954928520277yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1499518718599_9240">The license type is </span><strong id="m_4863372954928520277yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1499518718599_9241"><a href="">CC-BY-SA 4.0.</a></strong></p><p><img class="irc_mut iQ9a5BCPU1W8-HwpH6ZlgJaI" src="" alt="Hasil gambar untuk gambar cc by sa" width="93" height="32" /></p><p>Journal Agri Socio-Economics and Business is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> Rural Household’s Participation In Non-Farm Activities: The Case Of The Makuey District, Nuer Zone, Gambella Region, Ethiopia <p>Ethiopia is a farming nation where agriculture provides a living for a large portion of the inhabitants. Most rural households suffer from chronic poverty and food insecurity as a result of agriculture's deteriorating carrying capacity, land fragmentation, and low agricultural income. This makes rural households participate in non-farm activities to generate income to cope with these challenges. The study used a mixed study design. A step-by-step sampling procedure was used in this study in which the Makuey district was selected purposively, Puokuath and Bildak kebelle were selected at simple, random, and stratified sampling procedures were applied to select sample respondents. The study also employed a descriptive, inferential, and econometric model for data analysis. Based on the findings, only significant discrete variables were the gender, literacy level, and household credit access. Similarly, the significant continuous variables were market distance and household income. Furthermore, the main challenges facing rural households' participation in non-farm activities were bad infrastructure and negative cultural perception. The binary logit model result indicated that market distance, literacy level, and credit access were significant and negatively influenced rural households, while incomes and the gender of rural households were significant and positively influenced the rural household's involvement in non-farm activities. The study recommended that the regional and district governments should access infrastructure and create awareness about the benefits of non-farm activities.</p> Chuol Bor Abdimajid Sheikh Adan Copyright (c) 2023 Chuol Bor, Abdimajid Sheikh Adan 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 5 02 1 12 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.1-12 Techno-Sociopreneur In Improving Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities <p>This paper contributes to providing an understanding of the dynamics of Techno-sociopreneur in increasing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities. First, this paper will explain the concept of Techno-sociopreneur in agricultural development from the beginning of the concept used in a scientific context. Then it will also be explained what are the components forming Techno-sociopreneur development in increasing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities, and what variables will be the novelty of research in Techno-sociopreneur research in increasing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a literature review system from various best journal sources on Google Scholar, Garba Digital Reference (Garuda), Scinence direct and other relevant sources. The conclusion of this article is to explain the development of the concept of Techno-sociopreneur agricultural development can be categorized into scientific concepts of study, namely a) Innovation, b) Support of Stake Holders, c) Social, Cultural and Economic environment, and d) Empowerment. Research questions for the future related to Techno-sociopreneur based on local economic institutions in increasing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities which point to the context of the impact of Techno-sociopreneur in agricultural development, the role of Techno-sociopreneur based on local economic institutions in increasing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities and Techno-sociopreneur factor based on local economic institutions in increasing commodity competitiveness&nbsp; horticultural agriculture.&nbsp; Because studies on this have not been carried out by previous researchers both in developed countries and in developing countries.</p> sepris yonaldi Melinda Noer Yulia Hendri Yeni Nofialdi Copyright (c) 2023 sepris yonaldi, Melinda Noer, Yulia Hendri Yeni, Nofialdi 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 5 02 13 22 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.13-22 Analysis Of Merchandise Inventory Management At Distributor Cv.Muti Indofood Lestari <p>Study This aim For know How method management supply as well as system supply goods merchandise used by CV distributors. Muti Indofood Lestari on Jl. Tapian Nauli Pasar 3 No.47 Medan Sunggal in the recording to PT products. Two Rabbits For increase sale as well as profit company. Data analysis method used in study This that is Analysis Descriptive Comparative. Analysis used is count recording supply goods trade based on Average method (average) in effort produce profit business PT products. Dua Kelinci at CV distributor. Muti Indofood Lestari. Research results show that sale increase from January arrives by March 2023 , so there is a profit increases. CV. Muti Indofood Lestari does recording perpetually with thorough and present supervision routine so that amount supply goods always appropriate No There is error , so sale always safe and not happen loss supply lost. Recording supply goods merchandise done with good by CV. Muti Indofood Lestari.</p> Amalina Azzhar Vidya Fathimah Copyright (c) 2023 Amalina Azzhar, Vidya Fathimah 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 5 02 23 38 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.23-38 Implication Of Farm Women In Rice Farming In Purwodadi District, Musi Rawas Regency <p>This research aims to analyze the implications of women in rice farming in Purwodadi District, Musirawas Regency. Determining the research location using a purposive method, namely Purwodadi District, Musirawas Regency. The data sources used in this research are primary data and secondary data. This research used observation techniques, interviews, and library methods. The results of this research explain that the implications of women farming rice can be seen from the involvement of women in activities, namely seed preparation, planting, and maintenance. These results can be seen from the 100% percentage of seed preparation in the two villages, which explains how important the role of women farmers is in seed preparation activities. Furthermore, in planting activities, the percentage produced is also 100%, which highlights the important role of women farmers in rice farming. Meanwhile, in maintenance, the role of women farmers is quite important in the process of rice maintenance activities, as can be seen from the percentage results of 60–67%. Keywords: Implication, Farmer Women, Rice</p> Vera Octalia Febrina Nur Annisa Copyright (c) 2023 Vera Octalia, Febrina Nur Annisa 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 02 39 48 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.39-48 Optimization And Business Risk Analysis On Independent Oil Palm Farming In Muara Tembesi District, Batanghari Regency <p>This study aims to analyze the optimal use of production factors and business risks in independent palm oil farming. This research was conducted in Jebak, Ampelu, and Ampetu Mudo, Muara Tembesi District villages. The analytical method used is descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive method to see the description of farming. A quantitative method to analyze input usage by using the cobb-Douglas function. The sample villages were determined purposively based on the consideration that the three villages had the largest area of productive plantations (TM). Determination of the number of samples used the census method with a total of 116 respondents. The results showed that (1) palm oil production produced from oil palm farming activities in the study area averaged 15,025.18 kg/ha/year with an average selling price of Rp. 2.208/kg. Farmers operate oil palm farming with a land area of 2.55 ha/farmer, plant age of 10.87 years, fertilizer 243.92 kg/ha/year, herbicides 2.29 liters/ha/year, and labor 88.60 HOK /ha/year. (2). Partially, the variables of land area, plant age, and use of fertilizers have a positive and significant effect on independent oil palm production in Muara Tembesi District, Batanghari Regency, while the variables use of herbicides and use of labor do not have a significant effect on oil palm production. The optimal use of production factors for a land area of 3.82 ha and fertilizer use is 1,053.55 kg/ha/year. (3). Independent oil palm farming is consistently profitable, with a CV value &lt;0.5, the L value &gt; 0, and the R/C value obtained is R/C = 4.45 per farmer and R/C = 4.48 per hectare.</p> Zulkilfi Alamsyah Suandi Yusma Damayanti Riri Oktari Ulma Endy Effran Copyright (c) 2023 Zulkilfi Alamsyah, Suandi, Yusma Damayanti, Riri Oktari Ulma, Endy Effran 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 5 02 49 64 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.49-64 The Influence Of Satisfaction And Trust On Consumer Loyalty In Medan Oranges In Medan City Compared To Imported Oranges <p>People's lifestyles are changing to meet their needs, and they are increasingly shopping at modern retailers. For Indonesian consumers, the presence of modern retail businesses such as minimarkets, supermarkets and even hypermarkets is very encouraging. Consumers are pampered with various positive things related to shopping convenience, safety, comfort, increasingly diverse product variations, increased product quality, and of course cheaper product prices due to competition. This research aims to test the influence of all aspects of the marketing mix on loyalty through satisfaction and trust The research uses a quantitative approach with an exploratory approach, the analysis method used is the SEM analysis method with Smart PLS. Based on the research results, it was found that only price influenced satisfaction. satisfaction and trust have a significant influence on loyalty. Furthermore, satisfaction is able to mediate price on loyalty.</p> Iqbal Fairuz Hasibuan Netti Tinaprilla Joko Purwono Copyright (c) 2023 Iqbal Fairuz Hasibuan, Netti Tinaprilla, Joko Purwono 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 5 02 65 74 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.65-74 Economic Analysis of Law And Its Application In Government Regulation No. 64 of 2021 On Land Bank Agency <p>The argument of law from various points of view has given birth to so many theories and concepts, one of the theories used in legal analysis is the Economic Analyis of Law. Between law and economics, both can be used as an analytical tool between economic impact and legal impact, and vice versa. Badan Bank Tanah is a sui generis legal entity established by the government through the Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja to support increased investment through the provision of land in the context of an equitable economy. All matters regarding the duties and functions of the Badan Bank Tanah are further regulated in Peraturan Pemerintah No. 64 Tahun 2021 about Badan Bank Tanah. This writing will describe the various economic theories used in the legal approach, especially in Peraturan Pemerintah No. 64 Tahun 2021, namely the Maximization, Equlibrium, Efficiency and Cost-Benefit theories. The Economic Approach Theory was chosen because this regulation was born on the basis of economic interests, with its various tasks and functions the Badan Bank Tanah aims to facilitate and shorten the process of acquiring land for investment activities by optimally utilizing state lands.</p> Adiani Mutiara Khafidzoh Copyright (c) 2023 Adiani Mutiara Khafidzoh 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 5 02 75 86 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.75-86 Socio-Economic Impacts Of Land Function Transfer Of Rice Commodities To Corn Commodities In Nanjungan Village <p><em>Agriculture is a vital sector in the Indonesian economy, especially in rural areas such as Nanjungan Village. Nanjungan Village faces significant challenges regarding the supply of water for agricultural irrigation. The decreasing water discharge has affected the ability to maintain optimal rice production, thus encouraging farmers to look for alternatives in managing their land with land conversion. This is what causes researchers to be motivated to know the socio-economic impacts resulting from land conversion. The method of determining this sample uses (Simple Random Sampling) or a simple random sample. The population is 358 farmers. According to Arikunto 10% - 15% so that the total sample taken was 15 percent of the total corn farmers in Nanjungan village, namely 54 farmers. This research combines quantitative descriptive research methods. The results of the study stated that the social impacts that occurred were the life cycle of the community, such as the planting and harvesting periods, as well as the reduced work rhythm of farmers after converting their land to corn, so that gathering activities for farmers also decreased. The economic impact that occurs is the income of farmers before land conversion, which is Rp. 21,029,148, - and there is an increase in income after land conversion, namely Rp. 31.102.014,-. The difference in income before and after land conversion is IDR 10,072,866.<strong>.</strong></em></p> Timbul Rasoki Ana Nurmalia Copyright (c) 2023 Timbul Rasoki, Ana Nurmalia 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 5 02 87 102 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.87-102 Potential For Conversion Of Rice Fields For Farmers In Pendoworejo District, Kap. Girimulyo, Kab. Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta <p>Pendoworejo Village, Kapanewon Girimulyo, Kab. Kulon Progo, DIY is an area designated by the government as LP2B (Sustainable Food Agricultural Land), but in reality, this area is experiencing quite a drastic shrinkage of agricultural land. This is influenced by the existing Trend “culinary with view” in the Kulon Progo area which is directly proportional to the widespread conversion of agricultural land into culinary business buildings. This phenomenon is a consequence of the modernization process in developing regions. This research aims to discover the social and economic impacts of local farmers in Pendoworejo District. To find answers to these problems, researchers used qualitative phenomenological research methods. The data obtained is primary data from interviews with informants who are farmers in Pendoworejo Village. This research shows that agricultural land conversion has the potential to have a social impact on local farmers in the form of reduced urbanization rates, changes in people's mindsets, cultural shock, and increasing affordability and availability of employment sectors. Meanwhile, the economic impact of agricultural land conversion is reducing unemployment, establishing relationships between entrepreneurs and the community, and increasing household income in local communities.</p> Bagas Pramudya Ardhana Dwi Nur Laela Fithriya Copyright (c) 2023 Bagas Pramudya Ardhana, Dwi Nur Laela Fithriya 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 5 02 103 116 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.103-116 Financial Feasibility and Sensitivity of Arabica Coffee Farming In Simalungun District, Sumatra Utara Province <p>Arabica coffee productivity in Simalungun Regency has the highest value, namely 1.25 tons/ha, among other arabica coffee producing districts in Sumatra Utara Province. However, the level of feasibility of return on investment made by farmers of arabica coffee has not been measured. The research method used to determine the feasibility and sensitivity of arabica coffee farming is Net B/C ratio, Gross B/C ratio, Profitability Ratio, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the research show that arabica coffee farming is financially feasible based on the criteria of Net B/C Ratio (2.33), Gross B/C Ratio (1.38), Profitability Ratio (2.31), NPV (Rp. 23,194,329), and IRR (25.06%). The sensitivity of arabica coffee farming occurs if fertilizer and labor costs increase by 55% and production prices fall, then arabica coffee farming is not worth pursuing. Arabica coffee farming in Raya Huluan Village is financially feasible but farmers have not been able to independently cultivate arabica coffee properly. Therefore, farmers are given assistance on how to cultivate arabica coffee farming, types of fertilizer and dosage of fertilizer, timing of fertilizer application so that the economic life of arabica coffee is more than 10 years.</p> Ellys Yuliarti Muhamad Mustopa Romdhon Luciana Saragih Copyright (c) 2023 Ellys Yuliarti, Muhamad Mustopa Romdhon, Luciana Saragih 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 5 02 117 130 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.117-130 Scale Development of Aofa Farm Limousin Cattle Business Based on Investment Feasibility Analysis <p><em>Beef supply in Indonesia has not been able to </em><em>reach</em><em> demand. Currently, the need for livestock is increasing, so it is necessary to develop cattle farming. Aofa farm is a cattle farm that focuses on fattening limousine cattle that sells its products only during Eid al-Adha. Aofa farm plans to </em><em>its business</em><em> by increasing the number of c</em><em>attle pens</em><em>, increasing the number of limousine cattle, and purchasing concentrate feed. In addition, there </em><em>was</em><em> an increase in the price of limousine cattle seeds, an increase in feed prices, and a decrease in sales of limousine cattle</em><em>.</em> <em>S</em><em>o necessary </em><em>for it </em><em>to analyze the feasibility of Aofa Farm's limousine cattle farm based on non-financial aspects financial aspects</em><em>, and </em><em>switching value analysis. The results of the feasibility of the non-financial aspects of the development of Aofa Farm are feasible to run based on descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis which shows the feasibility score on each non-financial aspect of more than 50 percent. The results of the financial aspect analysis obtained an NPV value of Rp 2,674,602,815, Net B/C of 8.39, IRR of 88.15 percent, and Payback Period of 2.26 years which shows that the Aofa Farm development plan is feasible to run based on financial aspects because the value obtained exceeds the eligibility criteria. The results of the switching value analysis show that Aofa Farm is sensitive to a decrease in limousine cattle sales.</em></p> Hadyan Lucky Al Faroby Nia Rosiana Copyright (c) 2023 Hadyan Lucky Al Faroby, Nia Rosiana 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 5 02 131 148 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.131-148 Business Performance Analysis Of Samba Lokan Oswari Food Using Balanced Scorecard <p>Purpose of this study was to analysis the performance of Samba Lokan Oswari Food in Mukomuko Regency using the balanced scorecard methode based on four perspektives, namely financial perspective, custumer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. Respondents in this study consisted of 1 business owner, 43 customers and 6 employees. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through interviews with business owners, customers and employees. And secondary data obtained from literature or previous research. The result showed that the business performance of Samba Lokan Oswari Food based on a financial perspective with a total score of 3, a custumer perspective with a total score of 1, an internal business process with a score of 1, and learning and growth perspective with a score of 2. Overall, the company value obtain Samba Lokan Oswari Foods business was 0.64. Based on the rating scale, the business performance of Samba Lokan Oswari Food was in the “good” category.</p> Kirana Chandra Putri Reswita M. Zulkarnain Yuliarso Copyright (c) 2023 Kirana Chandra Putri, Reswita, M. Zulkarnain Yuliarso 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 5 02 149 168 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.149-168 Perceptions Of Indonesian Young Farmers Toward The Ministry Of Agriculture's Milenial Farmers Program And Business Activities (Case Study On Indonesian Millennial Farmer Ambassadors) <p>The millennial farmer program is an activity for future agricultural regeneration by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. Apart from potential natural resources, business opportunities in the agricultural sector will certainly be an attractive one for young farmers who also receive guidance and training in the millennial farmer program. The perceptions of young farmers will provide a new perspective on the agricultural sector which is considered old-fashioned, dirty and has lower income than other sectors. The research respondents were millennial farmer ambassadors from the Ministry of Agriculture representing each region in Indonesia. Data was collected using an online form and processed using a Likert scale. Presented with qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the factors that most influenced the perception of millennial farmers were the level of education and parental influence. The perception of millennial farmer ambassadors (X) regarding the millennial farmer program (Y) and business studies (Z) is very good. Path analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) to see the relationship between exogenous and endogenous and intervening variables. Knowledge of the direct relationship between variable X to Y, variable X to Z, variable Y to Z, all three have a significantly positive effect. And the indirect relationship between variables X and Z through Y also has a significant positive effect.</p> Dina Hasta Ningsih M. Mustopa Rondhon Satria Putra Utama Copyright (c) 2023 Dina Hasta Ningsih, M. Mustopa Rondhon, Satria Putra Utama 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 5 02 169 190 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.169-190 The Impact Of Climate Change On Productivity and Food Security In Indonesia <p>El Nino (drought) and La Nina (floods) effects of climate change will significantly reduce production and productivity in the agricultural sector, particularly in food crops. The availability and accessibility of food will be impacted by climate change, disrupting food security and vulnerability. This research aims to examine in more depth the impacts caused by climate change and ways that can be taken to mitigate the risks posed. This research was carried out using the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method through FGD (Forum Group Discussion), which was carried out with representative experts, such as academics, farmers, BULOG and BMKG. The results of the research show that there are many impacts caused by climate change on food security, such as drought and floods resulting in changes in the planting season, an increase in weeds, pests and diseases in plants, and increasing temperatures will cause crop productivity to decrease, causing a decrease in crop yields. So, in facing the challenges and impacts of climate change, there needs to be significant and continuous collaboration from all aspects of dealing with climate change so that food security is achieved. Providing complete information to farmers regarding the challenges and solutions in facing climate change, research that can be carried out to reduce and mitigate climate change, the existence of adequate availability aspects to support universal food security and agricultural adaptation in facing climate change as well as climate change adaptation strategies indispensable for sustainable food security</p> vista uli sihombing Ulidesi Siadari Ratna Sari Muhtar Ardansah Munthe Copyright (c) 2023 vista uli sihombing, Ulidesi Siadari, Ratna Sari, Muhtar Ardansah Munthe 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 5 02 191 202 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.191-202 Household Food Security Analysis Pre And Post The Covid-19 Pandemic In Bengkulu Province <p>Bengkulu Province is one of the provinces that experienced changes in the food security index pre and post the pandemic Covid-19. In 2018, the food security index (IKP) for Bengkulu Province was 70.77 and will decrease in 2022 to 68. Even though the IKP has decreased, Bengkulu Province is still in the food secure category. The aim of this research is to find out whether there are differences in food security conditions at the household level pre and post the pandemic Covid-19 using descriptive analysis and formal tests. The results of the analysis using the chi-square test show that the Pearson chi-square test shows a significance value of 0.00 (&lt;α=5%). This demonstrates that the year and the food security of a household are related. In accordance with the initial assumption that the pandemic Covid-19 occurred in 2020 and 2018-2019 was the year before the pandemic and 2021-2022 was after the pandemic, it can be concluded that reject H0 where a connection between the impact of the pandemic Covid-19 and household food security. This is in line with the previous descriptive analysis where there was a relationship between the Covid-19 pandemic and household food security</p> hariz Wibowo Rihan Ifebri Ariffatchur Fauzi Copyright (c) 2023 hariz Wibowo, Rihan Ifebri, Ariffatchur Fauzi 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 5 02 203 214 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.203-214 Strategy For The Development of Kepok Banana Farming (Musa Sp) In The Outermost Islands of Enggano <p>Enggano has an agricultural area of 8.618 hectares with production in 2019 of 10.040 tonnes. This research aims (1) to identify internal and external factors in the development of bananas; (2) to analyze alternative formulations for appropriate strategies; and (3) to set strategic priorities in the developing of banana. The research began with the collection of data interviews and the distribution of angket. The data was then processed using SWOT analysis by creating the IFAS and EFAS matrix, as well as to determine the appropriate strategy using QSPM analysis. The number of respondents was 28 people (25 banana farmers, 1 food and holticultural crops, 1 land science lecturer and 1 agroecology lecturer). The results of the research are based on the IFE analysis, an internal factor that affects the development strategy of bananas on the island of Enggano from the main strength is that bananas are the best products in the island. While the main weakness is the lack of cooperation with existing partners. Based on the EFE analysis, the external factor that influences the strategy of development of banana in the islands of Enggano of the main opportunity is the high demand of the market. The appropriate strategy to use the results of the SWOT and QSPM analysis is to increase production through the expansion of land with suitable climate/weather conditions and the availability of production input and experience to meet the high demand of the market.</p> Rizki Amelia Rosyada Basuki Sigit Priyono Indra Cahyadinata Copyright (c) 2023 Rizki Amelia Rosyada, Basuki Sigit Priyono, Indra Cahyadinata 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 5 02 215 232 10.31186/jaseb.5.2.215-232