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Diarrhea is the highest cause of death in infants due to infectious disease characterized by increasing frequency of defecation more than three times per day with changes in the consistency of watery stool. The purpose of this study will to determine if health influence education with leaflet. The motivation of mother in caring for toddler diarrhea. The research is a quasy-experimental study with non randomized design without control group, pretest-posttest design with 27 taken then the respondents are divided group leaflet. Changes in motivation of the mother in caring toddler with diarrhea measured using questionnaires motivation with likert scale. There are difference of motivation of mother in caring for children with diarrhea before and after being given education with value ? value <0.05. Change in leaflet (motivation: 9.8, attitude: 10.2). It is expected that educators to apply audiovisual media in health education activities.


diarrhea leaflets motivation of mother toddler

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How to Cite
Ferasinta, F., & Dinata, E. Z. (2020). THE EFFECT OF EDUCATION WITH THE LEAFLET MEDIA ON MOTIVATION IN CARING BABY WITH DIARRHEA. Jurnal Vokasi Keperawatan (JVK), 3(2), 165–172.


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