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- Balboni, T., Balboni, M., Enzinger, A.,
- Gallivan, K., Elizabeth, P., & Wright,
- A. (2013). Provision of Spiritual
- Support to Patient With Advanced
- Cancer by Religious Communities
- and Associations With Medical Care
- at the End of Life.
- Bussing, A., Balzat, H.,& Heuseser,P.
- (2010). Spiritual needs of patients
- with chronic pain diseases and
- cancer-validation of the spiritual
- needs questionnaire. Eur J med Res.
- ,15,266-273
- Guillory,J.A.,Sowell,R.,Moneyham L.,
- & Seals,B. (1997).An exploration of
- the meaning and use of spirituality
- among women with HIV/AIDS.
- Alternative Therapy health
- medicine,3 (5),55-60.
- Friedman, M. M. (2013). Buku Ajar
- Keperawatan Keluarga: Riset, Teori
- dan Praktik. Jakarta: EGC
- Hamid,AS . (2009) Bunga rampai
- asuhan keperawatan kesehatan Jiwa.
- Jakarta : Penerbit Buku kedokteran
- EGC.
- Notoatmodjo. (2010). Metodologi
- Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta :
- Rineka Cipta. Diakses pada tanggal
- Juni 2017.
- Potter,Patricia A, Anne G. Perry.2010.
- Fundamentals Of Nursing (Edisi
- Buku 2). Penerbit: Selemba Medika
- Perry & Potter. 2012. Buku Ajar Fundamental
- Keperawatan Edisi 4 Volem 1.Penerbit.
- Patricial Gauntlet Beare Micky Stanley. 2012.
- Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gerontik. Edisi 2.
- Jakarta:EGC
- Rahmawati, I. (2015). Peran Keluarga Dalam
- Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Pada
- Pasien Yang Dirawat di Ruang ICU RSUD
- Dr.Pirngadi Medan.
- Diakses
- pada tanggal 8 juni 2017.
- Sriyono. 2019. Promoting Spiritual Nursing
- Care in an Intensive Care Unit: A
- Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Public
- Health Research & Development, Volume :
- , Issue : 8.
- Tuti, dkk. 2015. Perbedaan kesejahteraan
- spiritual pasien bedah jantung di RSHS
- Bandung.
- Ellison Marshall. The Spiritual Well-Being
- Scale Lori L. University, (Jurnal 1.1 2010).
- Ellisonl@Marshall.Edu
- Yani S.Achir F. Hamid, MN,Dnsc. 2010.
- Bunga Rampai Asuhan Keperawatan
- Kesehatan Jiwa. Jakarta EGC.
Balboni, T., Balboni, M., Enzinger, A.,
Gallivan, K., Elizabeth, P., & Wright,
A. (2013). Provision of Spiritual
Support to Patient With Advanced
Cancer by Religious Communities
and Associations With Medical Care
at the End of Life.
Bussing, A., Balzat, H.,& Heuseser,P.
(2010). Spiritual needs of patients
with chronic pain diseases and
cancer-validation of the spiritual
needs questionnaire. Eur J med Res.
Guillory,J.A.,Sowell,R.,Moneyham L.,
& Seals,B. (1997).An exploration of
the meaning and use of spirituality
among women with HIV/AIDS.
Alternative Therapy health
medicine,3 (5),55-60.
Friedman, M. M. (2013). Buku Ajar
Keperawatan Keluarga: Riset, Teori
dan Praktik. Jakarta: EGC
Hamid,AS . (2009) Bunga rampai
asuhan keperawatan kesehatan Jiwa.
Jakarta : Penerbit Buku kedokteran
Notoatmodjo. (2010). Metodologi
Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta :
Rineka Cipta. Diakses pada tanggal
Juni 2017.
Potter,Patricia A, Anne G. Perry.2010.
Fundamentals Of Nursing (Edisi
Buku 2). Penerbit: Selemba Medika
Perry & Potter. 2012. Buku Ajar Fundamental
Keperawatan Edisi 4 Volem 1.Penerbit.
Patricial Gauntlet Beare Micky Stanley. 2012.
Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gerontik. Edisi 2.
Rahmawati, I. (2015). Peran Keluarga Dalam
Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Pada
Pasien Yang Dirawat di Ruang ICU RSUD
Dr.Pirngadi Medan. Diakses
pada tanggal 8 juni 2017.
Sriyono. 2019. Promoting Spiritual Nursing
Care in an Intensive Care Unit: A
Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Public
Health Research & Development, Volume :
, Issue : 8.
Tuti, dkk. 2015. Perbedaan kesejahteraan
spiritual pasien bedah jantung di RSHS
Ellison Marshall. The Spiritual Well-Being
Scale Lori L. University, (Jurnal 1.1 2010).
Yani S.Achir F. Hamid, MN,Dnsc. 2010.
Bunga Rampai Asuhan Keperawatan
Kesehatan Jiwa. Jakarta EGC.