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Insiden keselamatan pasien di Instalasi Bedah Sentral masih sering ditemukan hingga saat ini. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya insiden tersebut adalah ketidakpatuhan staf bedah dalam mengimplementasikan surgical safety checklist. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor determinan kepatuhan terhadap implementasi surgical safety checklist di rumah sakit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan analisis Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Review and Meta-Analytic. Penelusuran artikel dilakukan melalui basis data PubMed, ScienceDirect, dan Google Scholar dengan menggunakan kata kunci “patient safety incident” OR “adverse event” AND “surgical safety checklist” AND “compliance” AND “hospital”. Jumlah artikel yang ditemukan adalah sebanyak 732 artikel, tetapi hanya 10 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penelitian dilakukan di 9 negara dan ditemukan fakta bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor determinan terkait kepatuhan terhadap implementasi surgical safety checklist. Faktor-faktor determinan tersebut dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 faktor, yaitu faktor surgical safety checklist itu sendiri, faktor individu, faktor tim, dan faktor organisasi. Faktor determinan kepatuhan terhadap implementasi surgical safety checklist paling banyak berasal dari dalam diri individu staf bedah. Oleh karena itu, standar prosedur operasional, pelatihan, pendidikan, komunikasi, sistem manajemen rumah sakit, pemantauan, serta evaluasi perlu diperbaiki dan dikembangkan dengan melibatkan kerja sama di seluruh tingkatan manajemen.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Audrey Louissia Herman, Inge Dhamanti
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- Taiswa, J., Kipmerewo, M., Chebor, A., & Masaba, B. B. (2023). Adherence Level to the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist and Associated Factors in Operating Rooms in a County Teaching and Referral Hospital in South-Western Kenya. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 19, 100638.
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Akbuga, G. A., Sürme, Y., & Esenkaya, D. (2023). Compliance With and Barriers to Implementing the Surgical Safety Checklist: A Mixed‐Methods Study. AORN Journal, 117(2), e1–e10.
Bains, L., Mishra, A., Kaur, D., Lal, P., Gupta, L., & Malhotra, V. (2020). Attitude and Beliefs about Surgical Safety Checklist in a North Indian Tertiary Care Hospital, A Decade Later of World Health Organisation Checklist. Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control, 8(2), 39–47.
Bhiri, S., Amor, A. B., Bouhlel, H., Dammak, N., Fencha, S. B., Ghali, H., Saad, O. B., Belhadj, N., Rejeb, M. B., Cheikh, A. B., & Latiri, H. S. (2023). Perceptions and Use of Surgical Checklist Practices in a Tertiary Hospital of Tunisia, 2023. Journal of Anesthesia and Critical Care, 15(5), 149–156.
Chhabra, A., Singh, A., Kuka, P. S., Kaur, H., Kuka, A. S., & Chahal, H. (2019). Role of Perioperative Surgical Safety Checklist in Reducing Morbidity and Mortality Among Patients: An Observational Study. Nigerian Journal of Surgery, 25(2), 192–197.
Chotimah, S., & Wijaya, L. (2022). Hubungan Lama Kerja Perawat dengan Kepatuhan Perawat dalam Pengisian Surgical Safety Checklist. Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pembangunan, 12(23), 108–116.
Daryani, D., Hamranani, S. S. T., & Wijaya, V. (2023). Analysis of Factors Influencing Compliance with the Implementation of Surgical Safety Checklist. Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research, 5(2), 299–310.
DA, F. M., Bachtiar, A., & Yuswanto, T. J. A. (2023). Beban Kerja Perawat dan Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Surgical Safety Checklist di Rumah Sakit. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan" SUARA FORIKES"(Journal of Health Research" Forikes Voice"), 14, 4–6.
Daud, A. (2020). Komite Nasional Keselamatan Pasien: Sistem Pelaporan dan Pembelajaran Keselamatan Pasien Nasional (SP2KPN).
Domingo, L., Sala, M., Miret, C., Montero-Moraga, J. M., de la Vega, C. L., Comas, M., & Castells, X. (2022). Perceptions from Nurses, Surgeons, and Anesthetists about the Use and Benefits of the Surgical Checklist in a Teaching Hospital. Journal of Healthcare Quality Research, 37(1), 52–59.
Gama, C. S., Backman, C., & de Oliveira, A. C. (2020). Impact of Surgical Checklist on Mortality, Reoperation, and Readmission Rates in Brazil, A Developing Country, and Canada, A Developed Country. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 35(5), 508–513.
Gong, J., Sheng, B., Bian, C., & Yang, L. (2021). A Survey of Surgical Team Members’ Awareness and Perceptions Toward the Implementation of the Surgical Safety Checklist in Gynecological and Obstetrical Operations. Medicine, 100(30), e26731.
Gul, F., Nazir, M., Abbas, K., Khan, A. A., Malick, D. S., Khan, H., Kazmi, S. N. H., & Naseem, A. O. (2022). Surgical Safety Checklist Compliance: The Clinical Audit. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 81, 104397.
Jemaa, B., & Imen, A. (2020). The Effect of a Surgical Safety CL on Postoperative Outcomes in a Tunisian University Hospital: A Prospective Before/After Study. BMC Surgery, 20(1), 23.
Kementerian Kesehatan RI. (2017). Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Keselamatan Pasien. Jakarta.
Mahmood, T., Mylopoulos, M., Bagli, D., Damignani, R., & Haji, F. A. (2019). A Mixed Methods Study of Challenges in the Implementation and Use of the Surgical Safety Checklist. Surgery, 165(4), 832–837.
Manamela, L. M., Rasweswe, M. M., & Mooa, R. S. (2022). Factors Contributing to Non-Adherence of the Perioperative Surgical Team to WHO Surgical Safety Checklist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management, 29, 100292.
Muara, S. J., & Yustiani, M. (2021). Pengetahuan dan Motivasi Tim Kamar Bedah dengan Kepatuhan Pengisian Surgical Safety Checklist. Adi Husada Nursing Journal, 7(1), 21–26.
Munthali, J., Pittalis, C., Bijlmakers, L., Kachimba, J., Cheelo, M., Brugha, R., & Gajewski, J. (2022). Barriers and Enablers to Utilisation of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia: A Qualitative Study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 894.
National Health Service. (2022). NRLS National Patient Safety Incident Reports: Commentary. England.
National Health Service. (2024). Provisional Publication of Never Events Reported as Occurring between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. England.
Noaman, S., Soliman, H., & Hasaneen, A. (2020). Evaluating Compliance to World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist in Operating Room. Mansoura Nursing Journal, 7(2), 115–124.
Rasyid, M. E. S., Menap, M., & Supinganto, A. (2023). Determinan Faktor Kepatuhan Tim Bedah dalam Penerapan Surgical Safety Checklist pada Pasien Bedah di Instalasi Bedah Sentral. Jurnal Keperawatan, 15(4), 539–552.
Taiswa, J., Kipmerewo, M., Chebor, A., & Masaba, B. B. (2023). Adherence Level to the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist and Associated Factors in Operating Rooms in a County Teaching and Referral Hospital in South-Western Kenya. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 19, 100638.
Tostes, M. F. D. P., & Galvão, C. M. (2019). Surgical Safety Checklist: Benefits, Facilitators, and Barriers in the Nurses’ Perspective. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem, 40, e20180180.
World Health Organization. (2019). WHO Calls for Urgent Action to Reduce Patient Harm in Healthcare.