Application of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model on Spectroscopy Subject

Yuni Kartika (1) , Eko Swistoro (2) , M. Lutfi Firdaus (3)
(1) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


The aim of this study was to describe the differences in students’ learning outcomes, between those who used the jigsaw learning model and who studied conventionally in analytical chemistry learning. This research used quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent design and control grup design. The research was conducted at Chemistry Study Program in the fifth semester. In the non-equivalent control group design, the sample was not chosen randomly but by purposive sampling technique. The research implicated two classes, i.e. class A as the experimental-class and class B as the control-class. Both classes were given pretest to find out the student's initial ability before being given a lesson and also a posttest to find out the student's final ability. This research was conducted in three meetings in accordance with the material to be delivered. In experimental-class, the researchers used jigsaw learning model. In this kind of learning model, there were some stages in the organization where the students could discuss by expressing thoughts, exchanging knowledge, understanding abilities and correcting each other among friends in the group. The average value of the students’ final learning outcomes in experimental class showed a value of 70.5 and 60.0 in the control class with a value of sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 < sig. ? = 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were significant differences in the student’s ability of learning outcomes used the jigsaw learning model and those who used conventional learning.

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Yuni Kartika (Primary Contact)
Eko Swistoro
M. Lutfi Firdaus

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