Thematic Module Based on Groundwater Quality to Enhance Creative Thinking Abilities and Student Perceptions

Yarni Sri Yanti (1) , Afrizal Mayub (2) , Nirwana Nirwana (3)
(1) Physics Education Department, University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) Physics Education Department, University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) Physics Education Department, University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


This study aimed to (1) Describe groundwater quality in terms of physical and chemical parameters; (2) Describe the improvement of the ability to think creatively using thematic modules on the impacts of pollution on life; and (3) Describe the increase in students' perceptions of the importance of caring for the environment using the thematic modules on the material about impacts of pollution on life. The type of research used is the Research and Development (R&D) development model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The analysis phase was carried out on ground water quality using 7 parameters, namely temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen levels, salinity, TDS, turbidity and electrical conductivity. The results of the analysis were packaged in a thematic module on the impact of pollution on life for class VII SMP / MTs as an effort to improve students' creative thinking abilities and perceptions of caring for the environment. The sample of the study was SMPN 18 Bengkulu Tengah students, for a limited scale there were 10 students of class VIII, while the broad scale were 21 students of class VII. Data analysis was performed using the N-Gain test. On a limited scale, the result of the gain of creative thinking ability was 0.784 (high) with effective criteria and the gain of environmental care was 0.566 (moderate) with quite effective criteria. Whereas in the wide-scale test, the result of creative thinking ability gain was 0.66 (moderate) with quite effective criteria and the gain of environmental care was 0.562 (moderate) with quite effective criteria. Based on the analysis of the N-gain test it can be concluded that the thematic module of the impact of pollution on life could improve the ability to think creatively and students' perceptions of the importance of caring for the environment.

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Yarni Sri Yanti (Primary Contact)
Afrizal Mayub
Nirwana Nirwana

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