Establishment of Learning Module based on Research of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles to Improve Biology Understanding

Redo Redo (1) , Agus Sundaryono (2)
(1) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


The goal of this study was to develop teaching materials for fat metabolism based on the effect of Caesalpinia bonduc L extracted solid lipid nanoparticles on HDL and LDL levels of Mus musculus infected with malaria and improved students’ understanding of the fat metabolism concept for Biology Education students in animal physiology courses at Bung Hatta University, Padang. The development model used is Research and Development R&D adapted from the stages (R&D) by Borg and Gall. Research conducted by analyzing the needs of students in the learning process of animal physiology in obtaining information and knowledge which used as modules for learning resources. The trial modules were conducted to 18 students of Biology Education at Bung Hatta University, Padang. The results showed that the students’ understanding of the concept of fat metabolism using the fat metabolism module was very varied, the understanding of the concept of fat metabolism was mostly categorized as good (39%), adequate (36%) and less adequate (25%). The ability to understand the concept of fat metabolism of students on the translational aspect has developed well, interpretation was sufficient while extrapolation has not developed well. This fat metabolism module improved the ability to understand the metabolic fat concepts of students of Biology Education at Bung Hatta University viewed value classically.

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Redo Redo (Primary Contact)
Agus Sundaryono

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