Development of Liver Function Module to Understand the Students Concept in Biological Lessons

Alvi Yulia Rahmi (1) , Bhakti Karyadi (2) , Hery Suhartoyo (3)
(1) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


The goal of this study was to develop an excretion system module in Biology subjects to stimulate the understanding of the concepts of high school students. The research method referred to the steps of Research and Development. The research began with analyzing the need of the excretory system material to be used as a learning resource for students. The trial module was limited to 20 high school students in Kepahiang District who had received excretion system material before. The result showed that the ability to understand the concepts of students varied greatly. The ability to understand the concepts of students was mostly in the good category (35%), and sufficient (65%). The ability of students in aspect of understanding an idea, translating relationship that exist in a symbol, illustration, map, diagram, table, graph, had been well developed (translation). The ability to develop and obtain information that was not explicitly listed from the referenced source had been well developed (interpretation), and the ability to predict or give an idea of something based on trends that apper in the data that had not been well developed (extrapolation). In summary, the excretory system learning module was capable of stimulating the ability to understand the concept of students in terms of classical values.

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Alvi Yulia Rahmi (Primary Contact)
Bhakti Karyadi
Hery Suhartoyo

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