The Ultrasonography Examination of Fetal Heart Beats as the Application of Mechanic Waves Principle

Esi Luthfiana AS (1) , Afrizal Mayub (2) , Nirwana Nirwana (3)
(1) Integrated Islamic High School, Lubuk Linggau , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


In this study, a direct observation was carried out on pregnant women in several months of pregnancy by detecting fetal age, fetal length, fetal weight, and normal reactivity of fetal heart beats on ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is a tool that applies the working principle of vibration and waves to the world of health in which mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate. The results showed that the condition of fetal age two to three months in early pregnancy, the transducer on ultrasonography is difficult to detect the weight and length of the fetus. It is mainly because the propagation medium is still tiny, but in conditions of fetal age at four to nine months, the transducer on ultrasonography is able to detect the weight value and fetal length displayed on the ultrasound monitor screen. Therefore, it can be concluded that the working principle of mechanical waves in ultrasonography is one of the developments in physics in the world of technology.

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Esi Luthfiana AS (Primary Contact)
Afrizal Mayub
Nirwana Nirwana

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