In-Situ Conservation of Siebenrockiella crassicollis to develop the Psycomotors and Environmental Awareness of Students

Muhammad Nasirudin (1) , Bhakti Karyadi (2) , Aceng Ruyani (3)
(1) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


This research aims to study the weight growth, eyes and neck health of S. crasiicollis in the conservation areas of SMAN (High School) Sukakarya and Balong Swamp, Sukakarya District, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province. Data collection was carried out by means of observation for 8 weeks in the conservation areas of SMAN Sukakarya and Balong Swamp. The research results showed that the average weight growth of S. crassicollis for eight weeks was seen from the sex. Male S. crassicollis (ABP tagging code) grew 6.25 grams and female S. crassicollis (ACI tagging code) 1.37 grams. Whereas, in the Balong swamp the average body weight growth of S crassicollis for eight weeks was also seen from the sex. Male S. crassicollis (AHJ tagging code) grew 4.62 grams in weight and female S. crassicollis (ABQ tagging code) at 4.00 grams. Eye and neck health in both locations showed that all S. crassicollis eyes were clean, there was no dirt, clear glow and wide open and the neck was erected and looked up with very good / healthy criteria. Biotic components found were pandanus water, algae, ferns and grasses. Animals found include small fish, small shrimp, and water snails. While the abiotic component results of the environmental temperature measurement, and water temperature range from 270C to 320C, the pH of water between 6.5 to7. Based on observations, it can be concluded that the tortoise's body weight has increased and decreased according to the nature of the tortoise's body weight which is reversible, the eyes and neck health of the S. crassicollis shows very good results, where the healthy tortoise's eyes can be seen from clear, non-dirty eyes, wide open and not swollen, while the healthy neck can be seen from frequent lifting of the neck / looking up. 

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Muhammad Nasirudin (Primary Contact)
Bhakti Karyadi
Aceng Ruyani

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