Development of E-Module Based on Morphometric Studies of the Diversity of Sumatran Turtles for High School Students

Fitri Dayeni (1) , Aceng Ruyani (2) , Hery Suhartoyo (3)
(1) Universitas Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Bengkulu , Indonesia


This study aims to determine the morphometry of Sumatran turtles in the conservation area of the Turtle Learning Center (TLC), Bengkulu University and the Ruyani Life Science Learning Resource (SBIH), then the results of this morphometric study are made into E-Module products. This type of study is a Research and Development (R&D). Data collection techniques were performed in the form of observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used a qualitative descriptive technique, namely the data obtained and then analyzed descriptively. Morphometric data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive. Furthermore, the product is made in the form of an E-Module. Research results of Morphometric studies in TLC contained five types of Sumatran turtles, namely Cuora amboinensis, Heosemys spinosa, Cyclemys dentata, Siebenrockiella crassicollis, and Manouria emys. In SBIH Ruyani, there are four types of Sumatran turtles, namely Dogania subplana, Pelochelys cantorii and Orlitia borneensis. The results of the E-Module product for the morphometric study of the Sumatran turtles after validated by the expert obtained a very decent assessment presentation. The material expert validator obtained an assessment presentation of 86.53%, and the media expert obtained an assessment percentage of 91.67%.

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Fitri Dayeni (Primary Contact)
Aceng Ruyani
Hery Suhartoyo

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