Expert System In Predicting COVID-19 Using Certainty Factor Method

Mutiara Bela Kusuma (1) , Siswanto Siswanto (2) , Hari Aspriyono (3)
(1) Dehasen University , Indonesia
(2) Dehasen University , Indonesia
(3) Dehasen University , Indonesia


During this pandemic, the people of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province are having problems knowing whether they have the common cold or COVID-19 because the symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the common cold. Meanwhile, visiting the hospital requires a fee which causes some people to be unable to carry out further examinations. With these conditions, it is difficult to make early predictions of COVID-19. Therefore, the researcher made a system that can predict the possibility of contracting someone with an artificial intelligence concept by using the certainty factor method. The design of this application is quite simple so that it is easy for users to use. The users simply click the "consultation" button and select the symptoms they are experiencing and their conditions. Then the system will calculate what percentage of the user is likely to be exposed to COVID-19.

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Mutiara Bela Kusuma (Primary Contact)
Siswanto Siswanto
Hari Aspriyono

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