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Thepurpose of thisstudytoproduceane-bookapplicationbasedonandroidinphysics learning,totestthe effectivenessof e-booksdeveloped in increasingstudententhusiasm forlearning physics,and todescribe theeffectivenessofe-bookwhichwascomparedby learningresources.The subjectsofthisstudywereteachersandhighschoolstudents,in thelimitedscaletestthe subjectswereSMAN6,andinthebroadscaletestthesubjects were SMAN3,SMAN2and SMAN8.Theobjectofthisstudy isane-bookapplication basedonandroidfor physicssubjectsinXI ScienceClasswhichwasdevelopedbythe Sigil1.2.0application.Theresultsof thisstudyinthe e-bookfeasibilitytestobtainedan averagevalueof89fromteacherrespondentsand85fromstudentrespondentsmeant thatthedevelopede-bookwasworthyofbeingasourceoflearning, whileforthe enthusiasmquestionnaireobtainedanaverageof78.33fortheexperimentalclassand 71.33forthecontrolclassshows thattheuseofan e-bookapplicationbasedandroidasa learning resource canincreasestudententhusiasmforlearningphysics


e-book android physics enthusiasm

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How to Cite
Gustian, R. W., & Riyanto, R. (2021). PENGEMBANGAN E-BOOK BERBASIS ANDROID UNTUK MENINGKATKAN ANTUSIASME BELAJAR SISWA (Studi Pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika Kelas XI IPA SMA Kota Bengkulu). Diadik: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Pendidikan, 10(1), 217–232.


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