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The purpose of the research is to examine of effect the relation between ERM, firm complexity and firm value in the Indonesian public listed manufacture companies. Firm size is used moderation variable the effect of firm complexity on ERM. Except as independent variable, ERM used mediation variable the effect of firm complexity on firm value. Tobin’sQ is used to measure the firm value, segment of industry used to measure the firm complexity and indexs ERM used to measure the effective of implementation ERM system.
This study is use all manufacture company listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2010-2011 with the purposive sampling method. By exploring the purposive sampling method, the 82 manufacture company listed on BEI were selected as a sample of this study. Data analysis using linier regression with SPPS 16.
The empirical results of regression model found that ERM and firm complexity possitevely related the firm value. The result support the hypothesis that firm complexity related with ERM. Meanwhile, this study could not find an empirical evidence moderation variable and mediation variable.


Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) firm complexity firm size and firm value

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