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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana daya tahan yang dimiliki oleh di Atlet Basket putra pada club Merdeka di Rejang Lebong. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Alat pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah multistage fitness test. Subjek dari penelitian adalah Atlet Putra yang yang menjadi Anggota Club Merdeka di Rejang Lebong yakni berjumlah sebanyak 15 orang atlet basket putra club merdeka. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dengan teknik persentase, dan tes yang digunakan yaitu berupa multistafe fitness test atau bleep test. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa daya tahan fisik yang dimiliki oleh Atlet Basket Club Merdeka  di Rejang Lebong 7 orang atlet dalam kategori cukup dengan persentase 47%, sedangkan 6 orang dalam kategori baik dengan persentase 40% dan 2 orang atlet dalam kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 13%. Dengan hasil tersebut berdasarkan norma standarisasi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan vo2max atlet basket putra club merdeka di Rejang Lebong dinyatakan dalam kategori cukup, baik, dan sangat baik.

Kata Kunci : 



This research was conducted to find out the endurance of male basketball athletes at the Merdeka club in Rejang Lebong. The research was conducted using quantitative descriptive methods. The data collection tool in this research is the multistage fitness test. The subjects of the research were male athletes who were members of the Merdeka Club in Rejang Lebong, namely 15 men's basketball athletes from the Merdeka Club. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis using percentage techniques, and the test used is a multistafe fitness test or bleep test. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it was found that the in very good category, the abdominal muscle strength of female athletes was in physical endurance of the Merdeka Basketball Club athletes in Rejang Lebong is 7 athletes in the fair category with a percentage of 47%, while 6 people are in the good categ ory with a percentage of 40% and 2 athletes are in the very category good with a percentage of 13%. With these results based on standardization norms, it can be concluded that the vo2max ability of men's basketball athletes at the Independent Club in Rejang Lebong is stated in the categories of fair, good and very good.

Keywords: Baskerball, Endurance, MFT

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How to Cite
Putra wijaya, V., Arwin, & Permadi, A. (2024). Evaluation of the Physical Durability of Merdeka Basketball Club Athletes. SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 5(1), 32–39.