International Journal of Innovation and Education Research 2023-08-09T23:22:46+00:00 Teddy Alfra Siagian Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Innovation and Education Research</strong> is an open-access research journal with E-ISSN (2774-8251) and P-ISSN (2774-9088) which is published twice a year in January and August. The aim of this journal is to publish research articles that explore the application of any field in education. The articles can be written in English or Indonesian. This journal is managed by the Unit of Publishing, Publication and Data Information, Teacher Training and Education Faculty University of Bengkulu. Besides, this journal is published by UNIB Press.</p> EFL Students’ Reader Response-driven Self-reflection Strategy in Learning Literature 2023-07-25T13:18:51+00:00 Monica R. Bunga Febriani Iskhak <p>This study aimed to observe students’ self-reflection activities are evident in the classroom to stimulate critical reading activities.. The study used a qualitative case study method in the process of data taken from observation. The participant of this study was chosen purposively which was 15 students second-level of English Education Program at one of the Universities in Ciamis who was observed. The result of this study revealed that it can be seen that there are reflection activities through reader response in the literature class, students are encouraged to read critically. This study concludes that the used of reflection through reader response in digital literature learning is effective in use and can stimulate critical reading activities.</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Media Development Using Macromedia Flash 8 on the Material of the Dynamics of Planet Earth 2023-07-24T03:18:12+00:00 Lilis L. Yusup Sunarty S. Eraku Daud Yusuf <p>This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Limboto. This research aims to develop learning media using macromedia flash 8 on the material of planetary dynamics. The method used in this research is the ADDIE method. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The instrument used in the form of assessment criteria to determine the feasibility of media from material experts, material experts, and geography teachers as well as student responses to learning media using a questionnaire. The data collected in the form of research results regarding the quality of the media get a value of 68.23% with the level of validity included in the qualification "valid", the results of validation by material experts get a value of 86.66% with the level of validity included in the qualification "very valid", and the results of validation by geography teachers get a value of 80.18% with the level of validity included in the qualification "very valid", while for student responses from the results of the trial get a value of 85%, this value is in the category "strongly agree".</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Values of Honesty and Discipline in Character Education for Early Childhood 2023-07-26T21:30:06+00:00 Annisa Ledi Astuti Hamengkubuwono M.Iqbal Liayong Pratama <p>If character formation is already wrong, it will have an impact on the character of children in the future. Character education is a system of instilling character values that includes knowledge components. This research aims to find out how the value of honesty and discipline in character education for early childhood according to Ki Hajar Dewantara. The type of research used is library research. This research is conducted by a series of collecting, processing and analyzing data taken from written literature, so that it is clear about the values of honesty and discipline in early childhood according to Ki Hajar Dewantara. The results of the study The values of honesty and discipline in character education for early childhood according to Ki Hajar Dewantara are three pillars, namely Ing ngarso sung tuladha, Ing madya mangun karsa and Tut wuri handayani. From these three mottos, there are values of honesty and discipline in it, namely: Responsibility, being kind, trustworthy, fostering order, keeping promises, always telling the truth, fostering an obedient attitude, always on time, and independent</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Project Management for Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile 2023-08-09T23:22:46+00:00 Margiyati Rambat Nur Sasongko Manap Somantri <p>This research design aims to find out how the project management of strengthening the student profile of Pancasila as an implementation of the <em>“kurikulum merdeka”</em> at SDIT Uswatun Hasanah Padang Jaya. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. This research includes descriptive analysis, case study. The subjects in this study were 5 people, namely: 1) Principal, 2) Vice principal for curriculum affairs, 3) Classroom teacher, 4) Mupel teacher and 5) Students of SDIT Uswatun Hasanah Padang Jaya. Various techniques were used to collect data and information. They are: (1) interviews, (2) observations, and (3) documentation studies. In accordance with the method, the research instruments used are as follows: 1) interview method, the instrument is an interview guideline; 2) observation, the instrument is a check list; 3) documentation, the instrument is a documentation guideline. Based on the research that has been conducted, it shows that the management of the art performance project at SDIT Uswatun Hasanah can foster the character of the Pancasila learner profile and the creativity of students in performing their art as an implementation of the <em>“kurikulum merdeka”</em>.</p> 2023-08-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Comparative Study of the Psychological Characteristics Athletes in terms of Individual Sports and the Team 2023-08-02T03:28:30+00:00 Lidya Erika Yahya Eko Nopiyanto Defliyanto <p>This research was aimed to investigate: (1) the psychological characteristics of SMANKO Bengkulu Province athletes in terms of individual sports, (2) in terms of team sports, (3) the psychological characteristic differences of SMANKO Bengkulu Province athletes in terms of individual and team sports. This research employed the quantitative with comparative design. The subjects in this research were 56 athletes, namely 28 individual athletes and 28 team sports athletes. The data collection technique was conducted with the psychological skills inventory for sports that adopted from Mahoney, Gabriel &amp; Perkins, (1987). Data were analyzed using t-test with a significant level of 0.05. The data were collected using the Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports questionnaire and analyzed using the independent sample t test. The research findings revealed that: (1) the psychological characteristics of SMANKO Bengkulu Province athletes in terms of individual sports, (2) the psychological characteristics of SMANKO Bengkulu Province athletes in terms of team sports are in high category, (3) there were no significant differences in the psychological characteristics of SMANKO Bengkulu Province athletes in terms of individual and team sports values = 0.508 &gt; 0.05.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023