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[THE EFFECT OF IMMERSION IN GA3 AND SOME KINDS OF TSS ON THE GROWTH OF SHALLOTS (Allium ascalonicum L.)]. Shallots (Allium ascolonicum L.) are very much needed by the community and have become one of the high-value commodities in Indonesia. TSS or True Shallot Seed is an elective that can be created as a wellspring of seeds and is an answer for address the issue for quality shallot seeds. In the utilization of TSS seeds, there are still a few deterrents in low development strength. In the use of TSS seeds, there are still some obstacles in low growth strength. Dormancy can be solved by treatment with growth regulators that can encourage, inhibit or qualitatively alter plant development and advancement. One of the PGRs that is regularly utilized is Gibberellins (GA3). This review meant to get the connection between splashing time with a few TSS seeds on the development of shallots, which included germination, development simultaneously, development speed, germination life, plant length, and the quantity of leaves. This examination was led in Ketindan Town, Lawang Area, Malang Regime, East Java, from February to April 2021. This review was a factorial investigation organized dependent on a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) comprising of 2 factors: the length of inundation and the kind of TSS seeds that were rehashed as much as multiple times. The main variable was the inundation time in a GA3 arrangement with a centralization of 40 ppm comprising of no dousing, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 45 minutes of inundation. The seed factor of shallot TSS consists of TSS Sanren, TSS Lokananta, and TSS Bauji. The outcomes showed that the mix of splashing time and TSS seed type fundamentally impacted development speed simultaneously and the quantity of leaves 7 dap.

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How to Cite
Sudjarwo, H. K., Moeljani, I. R., & Pribadi, D. U. (2021). PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN GA3 DAN BEBERAPA MACAM TSS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN BAWANG MERAH (Allium ascalonicum L.). Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 23(2), 129–135.


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