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This paper presents an attempt to investigate the changes on land cover that have occurred due to human activities and its impact on actual evapotranspiration, Ea , in Monsoon Asia. Comparison between current and potential vegetation classifications has been done to identify the impact of human activities on land cover distribution. The current vegetation was obtained from satellite data, while the potential vegetation was defined from climatic data. As a result of comparison of the  both vegetation maps, we realized that India, and China were as the center of land cover changes. This also appears in tropics region, such as Indonesia and Malaysia. In general, the type of changes is from forest to non-forest such as, paddy field, cropland and grassland. These anthropogenic changes caused the decreased up to 180mm or 12% per year. The 0 value indicates such area where the has no changed, while the positive value indicates the of current condition has been decreased from potential one. The lower value (less than 5%) was happened when evergreen broadleaf forest (seasonal) changed to rice paddy such as in Shandong (China). It also occurred in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh (India) when the subtropical rain forest has been changed to cropland. In addition, when the sub tropical rain forest changed to rice paddy, such as in Assam (India) and Guangxi, and Guangdong (China), thewas decreased by 9%. The highest decreased value (12%) was occurred when the tropical rain forest was changed to rice paddy such as in Kalimantan Selatan (Indonesia) and Pahang (Malaysia).

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How to Cite
Runtunuwu, E. (2017). DAMPAK PERUBAHAN PENUTUPAN LAHAN TERHADAP EVAPOTRANSPIRASI AKTUAL. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 9(1), 12–19.


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