ALOTROP 2023-12-14T09:15:59+00:00 Dr. Wiwit, M.Si Open Journal Systems <p>Welcome to the Journal Alotrop, an Open-Acces, and peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish scientific articles related to chemistry and education: i.e. an interaction between natural sciences, educational sciences, technologies, and management for both education and sciences and wise use of resources. We particularly encourage manuscripts that discuss contemporary research that can be used directly or indirectly in addressing critical issues and sharing of advanced knowledge and best practices in chemistry and education.</p> ARTIKEL REVIEW: AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN PADA KALAKAI (Stenochlaena palustris) 2023-08-04T04:12:54+00:00 Efriyana Oksal Noverda Ayuchecaria Retno Agnestisia Risya Ariska Mulani Jeni Lestari Tampubolon Sintia Ayu Dewi Ilham Maulana Aden Dhana Rizkita <p><strong><em>Kalakai (scientific name Stenochlaena palustris) is a type of fern that is often used by the people of Kalimantan as a vegetable. The Kalakai plant which grows a lot in the lowland swamp areas of Central Kalimantan is a type of fern plant. Kalakai contains high levels of minerals, vitamin C, folic acid, and protein when compared to other local vegetables in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. The active compounds that act as antioxidants in kalakai are flavonoids and phenols. Flavonoids and phenols act as free radical scavengers to prevent diseases that attack the body thereby strengthening the body's immunity. Traditionally, kalakai is consumed by the Dayak people. This article is a review article that uses the descriptive literature study method to find scientific information or research that proves coherently the benefits or applications of </em></strong><strong><em>the </em></strong><strong><em>kalakai. Kalakai which activity as an antioxidant has health benefits such as being able to increase hemoglobin levels so that it can prevent anemia has cytotoxicity in MCF-7 breast cancer cells and prevents antihyperlipidemic by reducing Low-density lipoprotein (LDL).</em></strong></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Efriyana Oksal, Noverda Ayuchecaria, Retno Agnestisia, Risya Ariska, Mulani Jeni Lestari Tampubolon, Sintia Ayu Dewi, Ilham Maulana, Aden Dhana Rizkita Development of Brimolang (Palembang Culture Molecule Geometry Learning Application) for Chemistry Learning with Ethnopedagogical Approach 2023-08-31T06:47:09+00:00 Sukma Wahyu Wijayanti <p><em>One of the materials in chemistry learning where there are many abstract concepts is the shape of a molecule (Molecular Geometry). An ethnopedagogical approach will make the learning process meaningful because the material is associated with a cultural product from the Palembang area. The research procedure used is Research and Development research developed by Borg &amp; Gall. The preliminary study and development phases were carried out in the first year of this research, while the field trial phase will be carried out in the following year. This research focuses on the development stage which consists of (1) the Initial Product Development Stage in the form of making mobile learning displays, creating application content, and developing applications; (2) the Initial Trial Stage (Learning Media Validation Test) based on media, language, and material experts; and (3) Initial Product Completion Stage. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that mobile learning based on augmented reality is an added value because it is very flexible and helps students project their understanding. In addition, this application can improve students' spatial abilities and be able to analyze cultural contexts in everyday life in chemistry learning materials</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sukma Wahyu Wijayanti PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PRAKTIKUM BSD (Basic Solution Dilution) BERBASIS ANDROID MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI AI (Artificial Intelligence) PADA MATERI PENGENCERAN LARUTAN 2023-09-22T01:11:00+00:00 Mellyta Mellyta Uliyandari Ariefa Primairyani <p><em>The purpose of this research is to develop an Android-Based BSD (Basic Solution Dilution) practicum media using AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology in solution dilution material. </em><em>The development in this study was carried out with a 4D (four-D) define, design, develop, and disseminate. At the definition stage, the formulation of the practicum objectives is carried out, the design stage is carried out by designing the practicum media, while at the development stage the practicum media content validation is carried out by media experts and material experts, the dissemination stage is carried out via youtube. The results showed that the BSD practicum media was feasible to use, this was based on the validation results from two validators, namely material experts and media experts. The practicum media validation score by material experts is at number 69 which is in the "Eligible" category, while the validation results by media experts get 53 which is in the "Eligible" category. The results of the feasibility assessment of practicum media by students also showed results that were in the "appropriate" category with a conversion value of 3.94. Student learning outcomes after using the BSD practicum media also increased when viewed based on the comparison between students' pretest and psotest scores. The average pretest score of students before using BSD media was 50.76 while the average post-test score of students after using BSD media was 80.96. The results of the student's pretest and posttest gain test have a score of 0.61 with the "Medium" category.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mellyta Mellyta Uliyandari, Ariefa Primairyani PENGEMBANGAN E-MODUL SIFAT FISIKA DAN KIMIA PERAIRAN BERBASIS RISET UNTUK MENSTIMULUS KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR TINGKAT TINGGI MAHASISWA 2023-11-02T05:40:17+00:00 Anugra Rahma Shafira Wiwit Alwi Nurhamidah Nurhamidah <p>This research is a research-based e-Module development of the physical and chemical properties of waters that aims to determine the feasibility level and student response to the developed e-Module. This e-module uses the ADDIE development model limited to the development stage. The research was conducted at the Chemistry Education Study Program, University of Bengkulu with the research subjects being 37 students who had taken the Environmental Chemistry course in the 2022/2023 Academic Year. From the research results obtained (1) the level of feasibility of e-Modules in the material aspect was 91.4% while from the media aspect was 91.1%, therefore based on the results of validation by the validator, e-Modules are declared very feasible, (2) based on the results of the student response test, 87.2% are in the very good category. The ability of e-Modules to stimulate students' higher-order thinking skills is stated to be very good based on the results of validation tests and student responses related to the e-Modules developed on aspects of material on stimulus, learning activities, evaluation, and competency tests presented in the e-Modules. From the results obtained, it is known that the e-Module developed is feasible to use and be tested in lectures.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anugra Rahma Shafira, Wiwit Alwi, Nurhamidah Nurhamidah PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN PADA POKOK BAHASAN ANALISIS MOLEKUL MENGGUNAKAN INFRA MERAH (IR) DAN NUCLEAR MAGNETIK RESONANCE (NMR) MELALUI PEMANFAATAN PROGRAM HYPERCHEM DAN CHEMOFFICE 2023-11-02T05:41:52+00:00 I Nyoman Candra Nurhamidah <p><em>Final grades of student who participated in the Course of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry in Odd Semester, Academic Year of 2022/2023 indicate a low student achievement. The objective of this study was to improve the instruction of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Course by increasing student learning activities and student achievement on the topic of infra red and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis by utilizing HyperChem and ChemOffice Software. Student and lecturer observation sheet were used for measuring student and lecturer activities, respectively while, an essay test sheet was given to measure student cognitive ability. Student and lecturer activity scores for Cycle 1 were 22 and 27, respectively and fell in “Good” category. Student activity score rose up to the maximum score, 27 while, lecturer activity score remained in maximum score in Cycle 2. &nbsp;Lecturer activity already had a maximum score in&nbsp; Cycle 1 because the lecturer was well-prepared in the instruction as well as successful implementation of learning plan. Increasing student achievement was also recorded from Cycle 1 (average 80.2) to Cycle 2 (average 88.5). The percentage of student who gained score above 65 was 93% in Cycle 1 and went up to 100% in Cycle 2. HyperChem and ChemDraw are able to assist the instruction of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry course on the topic of IR and NMR.</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 I Nyoman Candra, Nurhamidah PENGEMBANGAN E-LKPD BERBASIS GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING PADA MATERI LAJU REAKSI 2023-11-02T05:44:17+00:00 Nadera Beka Adenolira Hermansyah Amir Elvinawati <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>This study aims to develop an e-LKPD based on Guided Discovery Learning and to determine the feasibility and student response to the e-LKPD. The development model used is the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) which is limited only to the development stage in the form of student response testing. The research was conducted from June to March 2023 at Bengkulu 1 Public High School. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling technique, namely class XI IPA 4, totaling 28 people for small group trials. The research instruments were interview sheets, student needs questionnaires, validation sheets, and student response questionnaire sheets. The resulting data consists of qualitative data in the form of suggestions from the validator and students as well as quantitative data on the results of validation sheets and student response questionnaires. Validation sheets and student response questionnaires use a Likert scale. The results showed that the chemical e-LKPD based on Guided Discovery Learning was declared very feasible by media and material experts with a media aspect percentage of 93.57% and a material aspect of 89.12%. Student responses to the e-LKPD were in the very good category with an average percentage of 91.13%, from the results of the study it could be concluded that the chemistry e-LKPD on Guided Discovery Learning-based reaction rates was very suitable for use as teaching materials.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: e-</em>LKPD;<em> development; Guided Discovery Learning</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nadera Beka Adenolira, Hermansyah Amir, Elvinawati PROFIL FITOKIMIA DAN ANALISIS TOKSISITAS BUAH ARA (Ficus racemosa L.) MENGGUNAKAN METODE BRINE SHRIMP (Artemia salina) LETHALITY TEST 2023-11-02T05:45:57+00:00 Novia Suryani <p><em>[<strong>Phytochemical Profile and Toxicity Analysis of Figs (Ficus racemosa L.) Using Shrimp (Artemia salina) Brine Method Lethality Test</strong>] </em><em>A traditional plant, Ficus racemosa L., known as the ara plant in West Nusa Tenggara, is potentially beneficial as a drug candidate, which is one option to develop the biodiversity of natural ingredients in Indonesia. The extract was produced by maceration method with ethanol 96% solvent. Furthermore, they partitioned using various solvents, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and chloroform. The presence or absence of secondary metabolite is determined by the phytochemical screening test. Meanwhile, the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) is a toxicity screening to determine the LC<sub>50</sub> of extract and their partition with various concentrations used were 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm. The metabolite secondary flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins are confirmed. The analysis showed that LC<sub>50</sub> of extract was 218,34 ppm; n-hexane fraction was 413,57 ppm; ethyl acetate fraction was 309.51 ppm; and chloroform fraction was 314.60 ppm; all had toxic potential.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Novia Suryani PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN LEARNING CYCLE 5E BERBANTUAN LDPD TERHADAP PEMAHAMAN KONSEP DAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES SAINS PADA MATERI LARUTAN PENYANGGA 2023-11-02T06:30:10+00:00 Diani Yola Lestari Febrian Solikhin Salastri Rohiat <p><em>[<strong>The Effect of Application of The LDPD-Assisted Learning Cycle 5E Learning Model on Understanding Concepts and Science Process Skills in Support Solution Materials</strong>] This study aims to determine the significant average difference in students' understanding of concepts and science process skills on buffer solution material. This type of research is a quasi experiment with a post-test only control group. This study used two classes, namely an experimental class with the application of the 5E learning cycle model and a control class with treatment as usual. This research was conducted at MAN 1 Bengkulu City. The research sample was class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 4 which were randomly selected. Class XI IPA 1 as experimental class and XI IPA 4 as control class. The research instruments in this study are observation sheets, science process skills, and test questions. The data analysis technique used is the hypothesis test, namely the t-test for understanding concepts and the Mann-Whitney test for science process skills. Based on the results of the concept understanding hypothesis test, a significant 2-tailed value of 0.008 was obtained. The significance value is &lt;0.05 so it is concluded that there is a significant average difference in concept understanding between the experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney test, a significant value of 2-tailed 0.01 was obtained so that the significant value was &lt;0.05. The test results showed that there was a significant average difference between the experimental class and the control class on process science skills.</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Diani Yola Lestari, Febrian Solikhin, Salastri Rohiat THE EFFECT OF CONTACT TIME AND BIOSORBENT TEMPERATURE ON THE ADSORPTION OF INDIGO CARMINE DYES IN KAPOK HUSK BIOSORBENT MODIFIED WITH SNAIL MEAT AND KINETIC STUDY 2023-11-04T11:43:18+00:00 Rahmiana Zein Raisha Mashelina - <p><em>The use of indigo carmine dye in the textile industry is a source of pollution for the environment. The presence of dye pollutants in the environment can threaten the health of living creatures and the sustainability of the ecosystem. This research uses kapok </em><em>husk</em><em> biosorbent modified with snail meat. Previously, research on adsorption was carried out on metals and cationic dyes from kapok husk, then in this research adsorption was carried out using the batch method to adsorb anionic dyes. The biosorbent modification process using snail meat aims to add active sites in the form of functional groups to the biosorbent to optimize the dye adsorption capacity. The contact objective of this research is to determine the heating time and temperature conditions for optimal adsorption of indigo carmine using the batch method. The research results showed that the adsorption capacity was at optimum conditions for the adsorption of indigo carmine at a contact time of 60 minutes and a temperature of 25°C.</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmiana Zein, Raisha Mashelina - PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF PADA MATERI REAKSI REDOKS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP PESERTA DIDIK 2023-11-04T07:06:43+00:00 Sherly Ernita Rina Elvia Hermansyah Amir <p><em>This study aims to improve students' understanding of the concept of redox reactions using interactive learning media. The results of the development are measured in terms of the level of validity, learning outcomes as seen from the N-gain score, as well as the responses of students and educators. The development model used is the ADDIE model. The subjects for the product trial were 12 students in class XI MIPA 6 and the subjects for product application were class XI MIPA 7 with 36 students. The research instruments were interview sheets, product validation questionnaires, questions, student and educator response questionnaires, pre-test, post-test. The results of media and material validation were 95%, 91.42%, respectively, the two validity percentages were rated as very valid. The results of the validation of questions &gt; 2.34 were considered feasible, the student response of 86.66% was in the very good category. The N-Gain obtained was 0.657 which was categorized as a moderate increase. The results of the educator's response to the product that has been developed is 94.33% which is in the very interesting category. Based on the results of the research concluded, interactive learning media can improve students' understanding of concepts.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Research and Development; Interactive Learning Media; Understanding Concept; Redox Reaction; Ispring Suite 11</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sherly Ernita, Rina Elvia, Hermansyah Amir PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR KIMIA MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ADOBE FLASH CS6 PADA MATERI SISTEM KOLOID 2023-11-04T11:45:20+00:00 Julita Sastra Sura Menda Ginting Febrian Solikhin <p><em>This research was the development of chemistry teaching materials using Adobe Flash CS6 software which aimed to determine the feasibility level, readability level, and student response to chemistry teaching materials on the subject of colloid system. The development of this teaching materials used the ADDIE development model which was limited to the implementation stage. The research was conducted at MAN 1 Bengkulu City with the research subjects being 9 students of class XI IPA 2 for the teaching materials readability test and all students of class XI IPA 2 totaling 33 students for testing student responses to the teaching materials. From the results of the study, it was found that (1) the feasibility level of this teaching materials was 88.33% meanwhile the result from the media aspect was 87% therefore based on the validation results by the validator of the teaching materials developed using Adobe Flash CS6 software it was declared very valid, (2) based on the results of the teaching materials readability trial, the average percentage of teaching materials readability obtained was 84.04% with a very valid category, (3) based on the product trial, the average student response was 89.67% with a very valid category. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Teaching Materials, Adobe Flash CS6, Coloid System</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Julita Sastra, Sura Menda Ginting, Febrian Solikhin PENGEMBANGAN E-MODUL KIMIA BERBASIS INTRODUCTION, CONNECT, APPLY, REFLECT, EXTEND (ICARE) PADA MATERI REAKSI REDOKS 2023-11-14T08:36:15+00:00 Ersa Agusti Nengsih Hermansyah Amir Dewi Handayani <p><em>This study is a research and development of ICARE-based chemistry e-modules that aims to determine the feasibility of e-modules, student responses, and improvement of student learning outcomes. The development model used is analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation (ADDIE). The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Seluma from January to August 2022. The subjects of this study were X IPA 2 and X IPA 3 students in the 2022/2023 school year who were selected based on simple random sampling techniques with a population of 3 classes, which were then tested for normality and homogeneity so that normal and homogeneous classes were obtained, namely X IPA 2 class for small group tests and X IPA 3 for large group tests. The instruments in this study were interview sheets, validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and tests. From the results obtained (1) ICARE-based chemistry e-modules were declared very feasible by media and material experts with a percentage of 98.88% media aspects and 91.25% material aspects, (2) Student responses to ICARE-based chemistry e-modules were in the very good category with an average percentage of 90.23%, and (3) After using ICARE-based chemistry e-modules on redox reaction material, there has been an increase in student learning outcomes as measured by an average N-gain score of 0.69 on moderate criteria. The results of the development of ICARE-based chemistry e-modules are very feasible to use in the learning process and proven to improve student learning outcomes.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>e-module, </em><em>d</em><em>evelopment, ICARE, learning outcomes</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ersa Agusti Nengsih, Hermansyah Amir, Dewi Handayani PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR DAN KEAKTIFAN PESERTA DIDIK KELAS X MIPA 1 SMAN 9 KOTA BENGKULU PADA MATERI STOIKIOMETRI KIMIA DENGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PBL 2023-12-06T02:14:23+00:00 Yetmi yetmi Iim Melani Hadi Apriyoanda Dewi Handayani <p>Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to improve learning outcomes and student engagement by utilizing the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) instructional model in Class X MIPA 1 at SMAN 9 in Bengkulu City. The CAR was conducted in May 2023 over 2 cycles. Each cycle comprises 1 session, spanning 3 instructional hours (3 x 45 minutes). The phases of each cycle commence with observations to diagnose issues, followed by design, implementation, event observation, evaluation, and reflection. Based on the results of the conducted data analysis, it was determined that the application of the PBL learning model was able to demonstrate an increase in learning outcomes and student engagement in Cycle 2. The average student learning outcomes improved from 77.66% to 59.38%, accompanied by an increase in the percentage of students achieving competency, from 85.47% to 81.25%. Student participation during the learning process also saw an increase in Cycle 2. Student engagement rose from 66.74% in the moderate category to 78.28% in the high category.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Learning outcomes, engagement, and PBL</em></p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yetmi yetmi, Iim Melani, Hadi Apriyoanda, Dewi Handayani Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Kemampuan Analisis Siswa pada Materi Larutan Penyangga 2023-11-22T01:38:17+00:00 Laila Nabiilah Elvinawati I Nyoman Candra <p>[The Influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Students' Analysis Ability on Buffer Solution Subjects]. This research is a pre-experimental research type aims to determine the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on students' analytical abilities on buffer solution materials. The research was conducted at SMAN 4 Bengkulu City with a sample of class XI IPA 3, which consisted of 36 students. The instruments used in this study were analytical ability test sheets and observation sheets. From the research results obtained (1) the average pretest-posttest results experienced a significant increase, namely 7.67 to 64.43 from a maximum score of 100. The results of hypothesis testing using a t-test at the significance level of 0.05 obtained a Sig Value (2tailed) of 0.000 with a decision H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that the problem-based learning model has an effect on students' analytical abilities, (2) the N-gain test results obtained an average of 0.61 in the medium category. The percentage increase in analytical skills on differentiating indicators is 66%, organizing indicators is 67%, and indicators of attributing are 51%.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Laila Nabiilah, Elvinawati, I Nyoman Candra