Development of Learning Unit Book based on Insect Inventory Results of Amorphophallus titanum as an Effort to Foster Students’ Concern to the Environment

Harianto Harianto (1) , Bhakti Karyadi (2) , Rendy W. Wardana (3)
(1) Graduate School of Science Education, Bengkulu University , Indonesia
(2) Graduate School of Science Education, Bengkulu University , Indonesia
(3) Graduate School of Science Education, Bengkulu University , Indonesia


Natural Science subject learning materials emphasize the observation of natural phenomena and their application in daily life. This research aims to foster students' concern for the environment through a learning unit book on the interaction of living things. The type of research was a "research and development method" with the design of 4-D model development research. The learning unit book was made based on the results of insect inventory on Amorphophallus titanum. The learning unit book was presented to the 8th-grade students of SMP Negeri Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu.  The subject in this study was class VIII B on a limited trial. The subject was selected using the purposive sampling method. The data from the study was obtained by providing a questionnaire on environmental concerns. Analysis used test-n-Gain, and small-scale test results of environmental concern found an average score of 77.24 that are well categorized.

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Harianto Harianto (Primary Contact)
Bhakti Karyadi
Rendy W. Wardana

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