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The preparation of Multi Media-Based Teaching Materials for Teachers was motivated by meeting the needs of the learning process through Online and Offline, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The method used in the preparation of this teaching material was a participatory method through steps including; Assessing / identifying needs, such as identifying problems, needs and potentials of the school and community environment. The technique used in the preparation of teaching materials is group work, analyzing and synthesizing from the theory and results of the trainers / instructors' presentations in the classroom related to making multimedia-based teaching materials. The participants of the Training for Teachers of Early childhood education, elementary school, High School, Vocational School Bengkulu City totaled 34 teachers. The output of this training is to produce a product in the form of multimedia-based teaching materials based on analyzing the learning needs of students in the subject. The results of the preparation of teaching materials are very effective when applied in the learning process at school. The implications of the results of the preparation of this Teaching Material for teachers are always preparing themselves to produce innovative work in facilitating students in the learning process. In designing teaching materials, it is recommended that teachers conduct a potential assessment and prioritization of problems faced by students in learning in each relevant subject, including learning objectives, materials, methods, tools and media, as well as learning evaluation.

Keyword: Effectivity, Teaching Media, Multimedia, Teacher

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How to Cite
Sapri, J., & Agustriana, N. (2021). Efektivitas Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Multi Media Bagi Guru-Guru. Jurnal Abdi Pendidikan, 2(1), 30–35. - 35


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