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This study aims to determine the influence of local content of natural
panoramic materials in Bengkulu on the results of the students of class V
SD Negeri 07 Kota Bengkulu. This research is a quantitative research.The
research design used was Quasy Experimental Design with design type
The matching Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, where the test
taking twice before and after giving treatment in the sample class. The
sample in this research is the students of class V SD Negeri 07 Kota
Bengkulu. The research instrument used is a multiple choice test that is
given through pretest (before learning) and posttest (after learning takes
place). Data of this research are analyzed by using descriptive and
inferential analysis that is t-test. From t-test result with tcount 2,164 and
ttable 2,005. So, tcount (2.164)> ttable (2.005). The value of tcount
obtained is higher than ttable value, it can be concluded that there is the
the influence of local content of natural panoramic materials in Bengkulu
on the results of the students of class V SD Negeri 07 Kota Bengkulu.
Keywords: Teaching Material, Local Content, Natural Panoramic in
Bengkulu, Achievement.

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How to Cite
Astuti, S., Dalifa, D., & Karjiyati, V. (2018). Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Muatan Lokal Panorama Alam di Bengkulu Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 07 Kota Bengkulu. JURIDIKDAS: Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Dasar, 1(2).


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