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Hutan mangrove Setapok Besar terletak di Kota Singkawang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Daerah ini secara langsung berbatasan dengan Laut Natuna dan menjadi areal penangkapan ikan. Nelayan membangun sero atau tambak ikan dengan jarak 4 mil dari pantai sebagai tempat untuk menangkap ikan. Tambak dibuat dari kayu dan kayu selalu diserang cacing penggerek kayu laut setelah 6 bulan dan mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi keanekaragaman spesies cacing penggerek kayu laut dari hutan mangrove Setapok Besar Kota Singkawang. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan survey eksploratif di hutan mangrove dan areal sero atau tambak ikan. Kayu yang diserang cacing penggerek kayu laut dikumpulkan kemudian cacing dikeluarkan dari kayu dan dimasukkan ke dalam botol yang berisi alkohol 70%. Identifikasi jenis dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Kayu Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura. Faktor lingkungan yang meliputi kualitas air dan tanah dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keaneragaman spesies cacing penggerek kayu laut yang berasal dari kayu yang digunakan di sero atau tambak ikan lebih tinggi daripada di kayu yang berasal dari hutan mangrove. Spesies cacing penggerek kayu laut yang ditemukan berjumlah 15 spesies yang berasal dari 2 famili, yaitu famili Teredinidae dan Pholadidae. Cacing penggerek kayu laut yang ditemukan di kayu dari sero atau tambak ikan meliputi Neoteredo reynes, Teredo pocalifer, Teredo utriculus, Teredo siamens, Teredo navalis, Teredo batiliformis, Teredo dagmarae, Teredo dallii, Martesia striata, Bankia setacea, Bankia minima dan Petricola pholadiformis. Spesies cacing penggerek kayu laut yang ditemukan di kayu dari hutan mangrove meliputi Bankia caribbea, Bankia fimbriulata, Bankia minima, Martesia striata dan Teredo navalis. Nilai keanekaragaman jenis cacing penggerek kayu laut adalah 2,6699 yang menunjukkan indeks keanekaragaman jenis tinggi. Nilai indeks dominansi sebesar 0,07156 yang menyatakan terdapat jenis cacing penggerek kayu laut yang dominan. Nilai kelimpahan jenis sebesar 0,9859 yang menunjukkan indeks kelimpahan jenis tinggi. Nilai indeks kekayaan jenis sebesar 2,00678 dan termasuk dalam katagori kekayaan jenis sedang. Faktor lingkungan sangat mendukung untuk perkembangan cacing penggerek kayu laut. Nilai rata-rata pH tanah sebesar 8,16; kandungan C-organik 2,76%; kadar pasir 12,30%; kadar liat 37,19%; kadar debu 50,51%. Nilai rata-rata pH air 7,92; salinitas 7,86%; BOD 9,54 mg/l; COD 528,86 mg/l dan DO 4,68 mg/l. Distribusi cacing penggerek kayu laut tersebar dari hutan mangrove sampai ke sero tambak ikan. Hal ini menunjukkan habitat hutan mangrove Setapok Besar cocok untuk pengembangan cacing penggerek kayu laut dan memberikan prospek pemanfaatan yang baik sebagai sumber pangan.
Kata Kunci: cacing penggerek kayu laut, keanekaragaman, mangrove, Kota Singkawang, Setapok Besar
Species Diversity and Distribution of Marine Wood Borer in Setapok Besar Mangrove Forest, Singkawang City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Setapok Besar Mangrove Forest was located in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province. This area was directly as a border to Natuna Sea and as a source for fishing area to the community. The fisherman built a fish pond as a place for catches the fish which around 4 miles from the beach. The fish pond made from wood and it’s always attack by marine wood borer after 6 month and damage. Despite the economic importance of marine wood borer, the study of the species diversity in Setapok Besar mangrove forest has never been conducted. This study aimed to inventory the species diversity of marine wood borer in Setapok Besar mangrove forest. The methods consist of collected the marine wood borer from wood in mangrove forest and from wood in fish pond. The environment factor consists of soil and water quality was evaluated. Result of research found the species diversity of marine wood borer in wood from fish pond was higher than wood from mangrove forest. Total number of marine wood borer found was 15 species and consist of 2 family, Teredinidae and Pholadidae.The species from wood of fish pond were Neoteredo reynes, Teredo pocalifer, Teredo utriculus, Teredo siamens, Teredo navalis, Teredo batiliformis, Teredo dagmarae, Teredo brevis, Teredo dallii, Bankia setacea Bankia minima, Martesia striata and Petricola pholadiformis. The species from wood in mangrove forest were Teredo navalis, Bankia caribbea, Bankia fimbriulata, Bankia minima and Martesia striata. The diversity value of marine wood borer is 2.6699 which indicates a high index of species diversity. The dominance index value is 0.07156 which states that there are dominant species of marine wood borer. The species abundance value is 0.9859 which indicates a high species abundance index. The value of density index is 2.00678 and included in the category of medium density. The average of soil pH was 8.16; C-organic content was 2.76%; sand content was 12.30%; silt content was 50.51% and clay content was 37.19%. The average of water pH was 7.92; salinity was 7.86%; BOD was 9.54 mg/l; COD was 528.86 mg/l and DO was 4.68 mg/l. The distribution of marine wood borer was from fish pond until the mangrove forest area. These indicate the habitat was suitable for development of marine wood borer and gave the highest potential prospect of utilization the marine wood bores as a food source.
Keywords: diversity, marine wood borer, mangrove, Setapok Besar, Singkawang City
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- Amarashinge, M dan Balasubramanian, D. 1992. Net primary productivity of two mangrove forest stand on the Northwestern Coast of Srilanka in the ecology of mangrove and related ecosystem. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Netherland.
- Atima, W. 2015. BOD dan COD sebagai parameter pencemaran air dan baku mutu air limbah. Jurnal BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan 4 (1): 83-93.
- Bengen, DG. 2002. Pedoman teknis pengenalan dan pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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- Borges LMS, Valente AA, Palma P. 2010. Changes in the wood boring community in the Tagus Estuary, a case study. Mar Biod Rec. 3(841):1?7.
- Dahuri, R, Rais J, Ginting SP, Sitepu MJ. 2004. Pengelolaan sumberdaya wilayah pesisir dan laut secara terpadu. Edisi revisi. PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.
- Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah kualitas perairan bagi pengelolaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
- Filho CS, Tagliaro CH, Beasley CR. 2008. Seasonal abundance of shipworm Neoteredo reynei (Bivalvia: Teridinidae) in mangrove drift wood from a northern Brazilian beach. Iheringia Ser Zool Porto Alegre.98(1):17?23.
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- Kuhne H. 1972. The identification of wood boring crustaceans. In E. B. G. Jones & S. K. Elthringham (eds), Marine borers, fungi and fouling organisms of wood. Proceedings of the DECD Workshop, Paris: 5-88.
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- Leonel RMV, Lopes SCBC, Aversari M. 2002. Distributation of wood boring bivalves in the Mamanguape river estuary, Paraiba, Brazil. J Mar Biol Assoc 82(6):1039?1040.
- Maldonado GC and Skinner LF. 2016. Differences in the distribution and abundance of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) along the coast of Rio de Jeneiro state. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 64(4):375-386.
- Marimuthu, P, Balasubramaniam J, Jayaraj KA. 2015. A new record of the marine wood-borer Spathoteredo obtusa (Sivickis) (Bivalvia:Teredinidae) from the mangroves of Andaman Archipelago, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 44(10):1554-1558.
- Muslich, M, Sumarni G, Hadjib N. 1988. Laju serangan Pholadidae dan Teredinidae pada beberapa jenis kayu. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 5(7): 400-403.
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- Palvast P and Velde G van der. 2011. New threats of an old enemy : The distribution of the shipworm Teredo navalis L. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) related to climate change in the Port of Rotterdam area the Nederlands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(8):1822-1829.
- Pechenik, JA. 2000. Biology of the Invertebrates (4th Ed). McGraw-HilI Companies, Inc. New York.
- Quayle DB. 1992. Marine wood borers in British Columbia. Departement of Fisheries and Oceans. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 155. Ottawa 1992.
- Rao MV, Baaji M, Pachu AV. 2008. Marine wood borers of Bhimunipatnam-Visakhapatnam coast, Bay of Bengal, India. J Timb Dev Assoc India 54: 59-77.
- Renta PP, Pribadi R, Zainuri M, Utami MAF. 2016. Struktur komunitas mangrove di Desa Mojo Kabupaten Pemalang Jawa Tengah. Jurnal Enggano 1(2): 1-10.
- Rozani K and Salmiah U. 2015. Resistance of five timber species to marine borer attack. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 27(3): 400-412.
- Saenger, P. 2002. Mangrove ecology, silviculture and conservation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. London.
- Shipway, JR, Borges LMS, Muller J, Cragg SM. 2018. The broadcast spawning caribbean shipworm, Teredothyra dominicensis (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) has invaded and become established in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Biological Invasions.16: 2037–2048.
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- Supriyantini E, Nuraini RAT, Fadmawati AP. 2017. Studi kandungan bahan organik pada beberapa muara sungai di kawasan ekosistem mangrove di wilayah pesisir pantai Utara Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah. Buletin Oseanografi Marina 6 (1):29–38.
- Swain D, Pachu AV, Rao MV. 2017. Biodiversity of shipworms (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in the vicinity of a tropical mangrove ecosystem along Bay of Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, India. Biodiversity Int J 1(4): 00021. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2017.01.00021.
- Turner RD. 1971. A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae (Mollusca :Bivalvia). Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Massacushets and William F Clapp Laboratories Battle Memorial Institute Aduxburry, Massacushets.
- Timothy MD, Rivera CE, Hsieh HL. 2014.Damage and alteration of mangroves inhabited by a marine wood-borer. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 516: 177–185.
- Ulum MM, Widianingsih, Hartati R.2012. Komposisi dan kelimpahan makrozoobenthos krustasea di kawasan vegetasi mangrove Kelurahan Tugurejo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang. Journal of Marine Research. 1 (2):243-251.
- Utomo B, Budiastuti S, Muryani C. 2017. Strategi pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Desa Tanggul Tlare Kecamatan Kedung Kabupaten Jepara. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 15 (2): 117-123
- Voight, JR. 2015. Xylotrophic bivalves : aspects of their biology and the impacts of humans. J Molluscan Stud. 5:175–186.
- Weigelt R, Lippert H, Borges LMS and Bastrop R. 2016. First time DNA barcoding of the common shipworm Teredo navalis Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae): Molecular-taxonomic investigation and identification of a widespread wood-borer. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 475:154-162.
Amarashinge, M dan Balasubramanian, D. 1992. Net primary productivity of two mangrove forest stand on the Northwestern Coast of Srilanka in the ecology of mangrove and related ecosystem. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Netherland.
Atima, W. 2015. BOD dan COD sebagai parameter pencemaran air dan baku mutu air limbah. Jurnal BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan 4 (1): 83-93.
Bengen, DG. 2002. Pedoman teknis pengenalan dan pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Barnes, RSK, Calow, P, Olive, PJW dan Golding, DW. 1991. The invertebrates: a new synthesis (2ed). Blackwell Scientific Publications. USA.
Betia J. 2011. Palawan’s Kinilaw na Tamilok. Journeyingjames Press. Philipines.
Borges LMS, Valente AA, Palma P. 2010. Changes in the wood boring community in the Tagus Estuary, a case study. Mar Biod Rec. 3(841):1?7.
Dahuri, R, Rais J, Ginting SP, Sitepu MJ. 2004. Pengelolaan sumberdaya wilayah pesisir dan laut secara terpadu. Edisi revisi. PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.
Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah kualitas perairan bagi pengelolaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
Filho CS, Tagliaro CH, Beasley CR. 2008. Seasonal abundance of shipworm Neoteredo reynei (Bivalvia: Teridinidae) in mangrove drift wood from a northern Brazilian beach. Iheringia Ser Zool Porto Alegre.98(1):17?23.
Hardjowigeno S. 1995. Ilmu Tanah. Akademi Pressindo, Jakarta.
Indriyanto, 2006. Ekologi Hutan. PT. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.
Irham MFA. 2017. Analisa BOD dan COD di perairan Sungai Krueng Cut, Banda Aceh. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perairan,Pesisir dan Perikanan 6 (3):199-204.
Jorgensen SE, Costanza R, Xu FL. 2005. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assesment of Ecosystem Health. CRC Press. UK.
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup. 2004. Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup. No. 51 Tahun 2004. Tentang : Baku Mutu Air Laut.
Kennish, MJ. 1990. Ecology of estuaries; biological aspect. Vol II. CRC Press, Inc. New York. USA.
Kuhne H. 1972. The identification of wood boring crustaceans. In E. B. G. Jones & S. K. Elthringham (eds), Marine borers, fungi and fouling organisms of wood. Proceedings of the DECD Workshop, Paris: 5-88.
Kushartono EW. 2009. Beberapa aspek bio-fisik kimia tanah di daerah mangrove Desa Pasar Banggi Kabupaten Rembang. Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan. 14 (2):76-83.
Kusmana, C., Wilarso S, Hilwan I, Pamoengkas P, Wibowo C, Tiryana T, Triswanto A, Yunasfi, Hamzah. 2003. Teknik rehabilitasi mangrove. Fakultas Kehutanan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Kordi, KMGH. 2012. Ekosistem mangrove, potensi, fungsi dan pengelolaannya. Penerbit Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
Leiwakabessy J. 2011. Komposisi kimia dan identifikasi senyawa antioksidan dari ekstrak tambelo (Bactronophorus thoracites). Tesis. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Leonel RMV, Lopes SCBC, Aversari M. 2002. Distributation of wood boring bivalves in the Mamanguape river estuary, Paraiba, Brazil. J Mar Biol Assoc 82(6):1039?1040.
Maldonado GC and Skinner LF. 2016. Differences in the distribution and abundance of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) along the coast of Rio de Jeneiro state. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 64(4):375-386.
Marimuthu, P, Balasubramaniam J, Jayaraj KA. 2015. A new record of the marine wood-borer Spathoteredo obtusa (Sivickis) (Bivalvia:Teredinidae) from the mangroves of Andaman Archipelago, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 44(10):1554-1558.
Muslich, M, Sumarni G, Hadjib N. 1988. Laju serangan Pholadidae dan Teredinidae pada beberapa jenis kayu. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 5(7): 400-403.
Noor, YR, Khazali M dan Suryadipura INN. 1999. Panduan pengenalan
mangrove di Indonesia. PKA/WI-IP, Bogor.
Nontji, A. 2005. Laut Nusantara (Edisi revisi). Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta
Odum EP. 1998. Dasar-Dasar Ekologi Edisi ke-3. Terjemahan oleh Tjahjono Samingan. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Palvast P and Velde G van der. 2011. New threats of an old enemy : The distribution of the shipworm Teredo navalis L. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) related to climate change in the Port of Rotterdam area the Nederlands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(8):1822-1829.
Pechenik, JA. 2000. Biology of the Invertebrates (4th Ed). McGraw-HilI Companies, Inc. New York.
Quayle DB. 1992. Marine wood borers in British Columbia. Departement of Fisheries and Oceans. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 155. Ottawa 1992.
Rao MV, Baaji M, Pachu AV. 2008. Marine wood borers of Bhimunipatnam-Visakhapatnam coast, Bay of Bengal, India. J Timb Dev Assoc India 54: 59-77.
Renta PP, Pribadi R, Zainuri M, Utami MAF. 2016. Struktur komunitas mangrove di Desa Mojo Kabupaten Pemalang Jawa Tengah. Jurnal Enggano 1(2): 1-10.
Rozani K and Salmiah U. 2015. Resistance of five timber species to marine borer attack. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 27(3): 400-412.
Saenger, P. 2002. Mangrove ecology, silviculture and conservation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. London.
Shipway, JR, Borges LMS, Muller J, Cragg SM. 2018. The broadcast spawning caribbean shipworm, Teredothyra dominicensis (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) has invaded and become established in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Biological Invasions.16: 2037–2048.
Supriharyono. 2007. Konservasi ekosistem sumberdaya hayati di wilayah pesisir dan laut tropis. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.
Soegianto. 1994. Ekologi Kuantitatif Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas. Penerbit Usaha Nasional. Surabaya.
Supriharyono. 2000. Pelestarian dan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam di Wilayah Pesisir Tropis. Gramedia. Jakarta.
Supriyantini E, Nuraini RAT, Fadmawati AP. 2017. Studi kandungan bahan organik pada beberapa muara sungai di kawasan ekosistem mangrove di wilayah pesisir pantai Utara Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah. Buletin Oseanografi Marina 6 (1):29–38.
Swain D, Pachu AV, Rao MV. 2017. Biodiversity of shipworms (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in the vicinity of a tropical mangrove ecosystem along Bay of Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, India. Biodiversity Int J 1(4): 00021. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2017.01.00021.
Turner RD. 1971. A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae (Mollusca :Bivalvia). Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Massacushets and William F Clapp Laboratories Battle Memorial Institute Aduxburry, Massacushets.
Timothy MD, Rivera CE, Hsieh HL. 2014.Damage and alteration of mangroves inhabited by a marine wood-borer. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 516: 177–185.
Ulum MM, Widianingsih, Hartati R.2012. Komposisi dan kelimpahan makrozoobenthos krustasea di kawasan vegetasi mangrove Kelurahan Tugurejo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang. Journal of Marine Research. 1 (2):243-251.
Utomo B, Budiastuti S, Muryani C. 2017. Strategi pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Desa Tanggul Tlare Kecamatan Kedung Kabupaten Jepara. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 15 (2): 117-123
Voight, JR. 2015. Xylotrophic bivalves : aspects of their biology and the impacts of humans. J Molluscan Stud. 5:175–186.
Weigelt R, Lippert H, Borges LMS and Bastrop R. 2016. First time DNA barcoding of the common shipworm Teredo navalis Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae): Molecular-taxonomic investigation and identification of a widespread wood-borer. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 475:154-162.