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The general objective of this research is to describe the accountability of school facilities management at Junior High School Number 1 South Bengkulu. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this study ware headmaster, Vice principal of school facilities management and administration staffs at Junior High School Number 1 South Bengkulu. the data were collected by conducting several observation, personal interview and documentation study then, data analysis used qualitative technigue. the result of this study showed that: (1) the policy in planning school facilities was compiled at the beginning of new year and implemented in an accountable way (2) procurement of educational facilities suited with the existing procedures; (3) inventary performance in  accountable enough (4) educational facilities had been implemented in accountable enough (5) maintenance educational facilities had been implemented in  accountable enough (6) the process of abolition of school facilities in an accountable way.

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