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Abstract: The general objective of this research is to describe competence of the junior high school principal IT Iqra Kota Bengkulu. The specific problem of this research is how the principal’s personality competencies, how is the entrepreneurial competencies of the principal, how the principal’s social competence. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. This subjects of this study were the principal and teacher, techniques of collecting the data in this research were used interview, observation, and documentation. The data was analyzed by elaborating data, displaying data, and making conclution. From the result of this study can be concluded that personality competence, personalty competence of junior hight school principals IT Iqra exemplary (honest, confident, responsible, brave to take risk and decisions, big minded, stable emotions, examplary) this is reflected in the attitude, actions, speech, principal of the day. Principal entrepreneurial competence is reflected in the ability of the principal to create innovations, work hard, motivate stakeholder, have unyielding nature, have an entrepreneurial sence. The principals social competence is reflected in the attitude of working with the school community, social sensitivity, and caring for stakeholder.

Key Words: Personality Competence, Entrepreneurial Competence, Social Competence.

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