Enhancing Reading Comprehension by Using Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Index Card Match for EFL Learners


  • Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Universitas Baturaja
  • Bambang Sulistyo Universitas Baturaja


The cause of second semester students of English Study Program of  Baturaja University problem to read text in English are the lack of vocabulary, the monotonous technique, the psychological burden, the lack of group activities in the classroom, and the lack of the students’ motivation in practicing reading. Teams Games and Index Card Match be used to enhance group dynamic and make students more active in a group. The objective of this study was to find out whether there was a significant difference in reading comprehension in narrative text to second semester students of English Study Program of  Baturaja University between the students who are taught by using TGT and those who are taught by using ICM. The study belongs to experiment research which was true experimental design. The total sample was 69 students taken by using purposive sampling . The data was analyzed by using t-test formula and pre- requisite test (normality and homogeneity test. Based on the result of the research, the students’ average score in experiment class 1 was more than the students’ average score in experiment class 2. The students’mean score of pre-test in experiment class 1 was 52,6 and the students’ mean score of post test in experiment class 1 was 71. The students’ mean score of pre-test in experiment class 2 was 53,4 and the studens’ mean score of post test in experiment class 2 was 68,85. Then, it was found that the result of the Independent Sample t-test of the post test score in experimental class 1 and experimental class 2 gave the value of tobtained = 1,970 more than ttable = 1,668 and the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,001 less than the value of Significance level (? = 0,05) with df = (N1+N2) – 2 = 67. Using Teams Games Tournament, the students’ average score in Experiment class 1 was more than the students’ average score in experiment class 2. It meant that it was a significant difference between the students who are taught by using Teams Games Tournament and those who are taught Index Card. The results also showed that the Teams Games Tournament group made more improvement than Index Card Match  group in their reading ability.

Keywords: teaching, reading comprehension, teams games tournament, index card match

Author Biographies

Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Universitas Baturaja

Dosen Universitas Baturaja

Bambang Sulistyo, Universitas Baturaja

Dosen Universitas Baturaja


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