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Patchouli distillation using process direct steam contact has been done by patchouli community in Indonesia has not been enoght to produce the maximum rendement. Rendement with convetional refining raw materials normal conditions ranged from 2-2.5%. Several studies related to increase rendement have been conducted whitin saturated steam but not superheated steam. This research purposes to know influence superheated steam to improve the rendement. This research conducted three distillation tests with capacity 15kg of raw material in three state of steam are 1kg/cm2; 120oC, 2kg/cm2; 130oC, and 3kg/cm2; 150oC. Distillation test results showed that superheated steam can increase of rendement. In steam state are 1kg/cm2; 120oC, 2kg/cm2; 130oC, and 3kg/cm2; 150oC produce 3.2%, 3.5% and 3.8% rendement respectively.


boiler superheater pressure temperature rendement

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How to Cite
Saifuddin, Elfiana, S. (2016). PENYULINGAN MINYAK NILAM MENGGUNAKAN UAP PANAS LANJUT. Teknosia, 2(17), 27–31. Retrieved from