1. Efektivitas Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa bagi Masyarakat Terdampak COVID-19 di Desa Batu Gajah Kecamatan Rupit Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara


  • Eleng Saputra Universitas Bengkulu




In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide problem. It does not only have an impact on health, but also social and economic conditions . The government has designed various new policies in order to suppress the spread and handling of this virus with several social protection programs, one of which is the Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance which is sourced from 20-30% of the total Village Fund. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance program for communities affected by COVID-19. This research was conducted in Batu Gajah village, Rupit sub-district, North Musi Rawas district using qualitative methods. The informants in this study were selected purposively consisting of 4 people who received BLT DD and 2 people as key informants, namely village officials. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation as well as data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the effectiveness of this program was related to the timeliness of the distribution of the Village Fund BLT in Batu Gajah Village on time and following the existing mechanism. Meanwhile, in terms of accuracy in making choices, the village government has worked according to procedures, and for the aspect of targeting accuracy, the distribution of direct cash assistance from village funds in Batu Gajah Village is right on target. This is based on the statements of people who directly feel the impact of BLT and are direct actors in the field. Especially for the poor, it is very beneficial for them, and most of the people support the program carried out by the central government. Keywords: Effectiveness, BLT DD, Community affected by covid-19

Author Biography

Eleng Saputra, Universitas Bengkulu

Satuan Polisi pamong praja kabupaten musi rawas utara



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