Phenomenological Study Of Pre-Marriage Sexual Behavior In Teenagers In Rupit State High School


  • Nia Puri Suandani NIa



Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults. Adolescent development is characterized by emotional traits that are difficult to control, adolescents will be trapped in negative things, one of which is free sex by students about early marriage, even dropping out of school and this will certainly improve the quality of the nation's children.Study Sexual Behavior in Adolescents in Rupit High School . The design of this study is qualitative research by discussing phenomenology, data collection techniques with in-depth interviews with tenĀ  students of SMAN Rupit, a head master and Rupit Senior High School BK teachers as a key informants. All teenage informants have had physical contact with a boyfriend like touching, even an informant stated that he had had a relationship with the premarital section. All teen informants stated the same thing about the understanding of premarital sex, the type and influence of premarital sex. Nine informants expressed negative attitudes and avoided pre-marital sex, while informants expressed a positive attitude and stated that premarital sexual behavior was common. Adolescents' perceptions about the boundaries of courtship are limited to handrails , but all informants stated freedom of the relationship of kissing and sexual relations. It is expected that adolescents can increase their knowledge, attitudes and positive behaviors towards health care. And increasing parental supervision of adolescent attitudes and protection.

Keywords: Premarital Sex Behavior, Adolescents





