Organizational Development In Bengkulu Utara District Government (Study On National Unity And Politics Agency)


  • Alfi Syahrin UNIB



This study aims to find out and analyze Organizational Development and to find out and analyze obstacles in Organizational Development at the National Unity and Politics Agency at the National Unity and Politics Agency in North Bengkulu Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Informants in this study were taken by purposive sampling method. Informants in this study were 5 people namely: Head, Secretary, Head of Section, and staff of the National Unity and Political Agency of the North Bengkulu Regency Government. Analysis of the data in this study through the steps of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that the organizational development of the National Unity and Politics Agency for the North Bengkulu Regency Government had not been implemented optimally because organizational development had not been matched by increasing the capacity of the civil apparatus through training, courses, trainings and there was still a lack of understanding of each Head of Subdivision on their main duties and functions, so that the implementation of work programs from each field has not been carried out and the obstacles to organizational development of the National Unity Agency and Politics of the North Bengkulu Regency Government are still lacking staff both at the level of the Head of Sub-Divisions and Heads of Sector, there is still a lack of support for increasing knowledge through training and training, training, seminars and budget support from the Regional Government for programs that are national priorities are still not optimal and there is still a lack of facilities and infrastructure to support work, such as operational cars and laptops or PCs.





