Implementation Of E-Government (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik) Based On Peraturan Bupati Kepahiang Nomor 08 Tahun 2021 In Kepahiang Regency Firli Ekonanto, Achmad Aminudin., Ardilafiza





The purpose of this research is to understand the e-government (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik) implementation and the obstacles that are faced by the local government of Kepahiang Regency. The importance of using communication and information technology (ICT) to support the improvement of public services in Indonesia which have still been considered bad, the Indonesian Government encourages all public sector agencies, both central and local governments, to immediately and as fully as possible carry out a Government System with utilizes communication and information technology, and that is based on‘’ Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia  Nomor 95 Tahun 2018 Tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik ‘’ abbreviated as SPBE which aims to realize clean, effective, transparent, and accountable then provide reliable public services. Kepahiang Regency as one of the regencies in Bengkulu Province which is a research locus has been implementing an Electronic-Government System (SPBE), to increase the quality of public services for public agencies in the Kepahiang government scope, this is emphasized by ‘’Peraturan Bupati Kepahiang Nomor 08 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyelenggaraan SPBE Di Kabupaten Kepahiang‘’. The Obstacles to SPBE implementation of  Kepahiang Regency, are the lack of availability of Human Resources skills who master ICT technology, there are still many ASN or service providers who do have not skills in  ICT technology, which causes they often have difficulty providing the services, the lack of coordination between government agencies related to the implementation of SPBE and then lack of apparatus or ASN  Knowledge for SPBE, lack of budget availability to cost  SPBE, etc, both technical and non-technical.  Based on the SPBE Evaluation from KEMENPAN RB in 2021 to 2023, the Kepahiang Regency received the predicate "C" for the SPBE index, This predicate shows that the Local Government of Kepahiang is considered to have still not been successful in implementing SPBE. The low index of SPBE for the local government of Kepahiang Regency is caused by the lack of human resources who mastered technology IT, the lack of policymaker commitment, and the lack of a local government budget. These problems that occur with the implementation of SPBE in the Kepahiang Regency must immediately find a solution because they are also related to the reputation of public services of the Kepahiang Local Government.





