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This research purpose to describe the influence of  group conseling service towards the establishment of religius behavior students. The design is a pre test-post test design. The sample of this research  was 10 students class XII Multimedia 1 SMK N 1 Bengkulu City. who have religious behavior which is still low and very low. The Technique of data information in this research used questionnaire. The data analysis techniques using the test z. The results of the research indicate that the students' religious behavior increases after being given group conseling services, it is seen from the mean pretest 120.77 and the mean posttest 22.60 with the value of Z = -2.807 and p = 0.005 then p <0.05. The conclusion there is a significant influence of group guidance with students' religious behavior. The contribution of group conseling services in improving perceptions of deviation in student social behavior of the coefficient of determination index (r2) the result is 5%.

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How to Cite
yiying, yiying, & Fitriani, W. (2023). Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Pembentukan Perilaku Religius Siswa. Consilia : Jurnal Ilmiah Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 6(1), 44–50.