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This research aims to determine the relationship between body image and self-acceptance of students majoring in Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ). The design of this research is correlational research with data collection techniques using body image questionnaires and self-acceptance questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation which showed a positive relationship between body image and student self-acceptance with a value of 0.324. This means that there is a relationship between body image and self-acceptance, that the more positive the body image, the better the self-acceptance of students majoring in Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) at SMK Negeri 3 Bengkulu City.

Keywords: body image, self-acceptance, students

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How to Cite
Anugraini, I., Elita, Y., & Suprapti, A. (2024). HUBUNGAN ANTARA BODY IMAGE DENGAN PENERIMAAN DIRI SISWA JURUSAN TEKNIK KOMPUTER DAN JARINGAN (TKJ). Consilia : Jurnal Ilmiah Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 7(3), 9–15.