Teacher’s Social Competence and Work Motivation toward Teacher Performance in Managing Classes

Yuni Lapita (1) , Connie Connie (2)
(1) Junior High School 7, Bengkulu City , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


This study purposed to examine the influence of teacher’s social competence and work motivation toward teacher performance in managing classes. This research was causality research with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research consisted of 100 junior high school teachers. The instrument in collecting data was questionnaire. The data analysis technique consisted of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistic described the result. Inferential statistics consisted of two tests, (1) assumption test consisted of normality, linearity, and independency, (2) hypothesis test used multiple linear regression. The result of this research indicated that (1) social competence had a positive influence toward teacher performance in managing classes with a correlation coefficient of 0.584 and a significance of 0.000 and the influence exerted based on an R Square determination score was 37.20% (2) Work motivation had a positive influence toward teacher performance in managing classes where the correlation coefficient score was 0.38 with a significance was 0.000 and the influence based on the R Square determination score was 13.60%. (3) social competence and work motivation together had a positive influence on teacher performance in managing classes at Junior high schools in Muara Bangkahulu Sub-District in Bengkulu City with R Square determination coefficient of 0.417.

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Yuni Lapita
yunishabir@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Connie Connie

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