The Correlation between The Principle Innovation and Work Motivation toward Mathematics Teacher Performance at Junior High School

Yenny Handayani (1) , Rohiat Rohiat (2) , Sumarsih Sumarsih (3)
(1) Senior High School 3, Bengkulu City , Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


The research aims to analyze the correlation between principal innovation and motivation toward the performance of mathematics teachers at State Junior High School in Bengkulu City. This research was correlation research with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique was proportionate random sampling. The sample in this study was a mathematics teacher at Junior High School in Bengkulu city, totaling 53 people. Data collection instruments were used in the form of a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using the statistical correlation test. The results showed that: (1) There was a positive correlation between school principal innovation and teacher performance in mathematics learning, it was 0.590 (2) There was a positive relationship between motivation and teacher performance in mathematics learning, it was 0.606. it was a strong and positive criterion. (3) There was a joint correlation between school principal innovation and work motivation toward teacher performance at State Junior High School in Bengkulu City.

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Yenny Handayani (Primary Contact)
Rohiat Rohiat
Sumarsih Sumarsih

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