The Effects of Climate and Work Motivation on Junior High School Teachers' Work Performance in the Losari Sub-District of Brebes Regency

Ipong Dekawati (1) , Nani Hermawati (2) , Aan Juhana Senjaya (3)
(1) Universitas Wiralodra , Indonesia
(2) Universitas Wiralodra , Indonesia
(3) Universitas Wiralodra , Indonesia


Teacher performance is a critical factor in obtaining the desired level of educational quality, meaning meeting national requirements. Various factors, such as the climate and job motivation, have an impact on teacher performance. As a result, the primary goal of this research is to identify and investigate the effects of climate and job motivation on teacher performance. The descriptive method with a quantitative approach was employed in this study. The research sample was determined proportionately random sampling of 155 respondents from a population of 262. Questionnaires, interview techniques, observation, and documentation are all used to collect data. The regression and correlation analysis approaches were used in the data analysis. The findings of this study show that: (1) Workplace atmosphere has a favorable and significant impact on teacher performance; (2) Work motivation has a favorable impact on teacher performance; (3) Both the work climate and job motivation have a good and considerable impact on teacher performance. Based on these circumstances, the authors propose that: (1) Work atmosphere and motivation have an impact on teacher performance, according to research findings. Meanwhile, teacher performance, particularly in terms of planning and implementing learning, remains a source of worry. As a result, the principle should assist teachers on how to create a proper learning implementation plan and conduct supervision so that learning is better implemented; (2) To improve teacher performance through improving the work environment, clear regulations and more support for a smooth learning process should be prioritized. Meanwhile, to improve teacher performance through work motivation, an emphasis on negative motivation should be implemented, with appropriate rewards and punishments.

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Ipong Dekawati (Primary Contact)
Nani Hermawati
Aan Juhana Senjaya

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