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The study tries to model sleep quality using ordinal logistic regression since the response variable is in the form of categorical data. The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to students' sleep quality based on social media usage variables and anxiety levels. One hundred and fifty students of SMAN 1 Tualang, Riau are selected with snowball technique and participated online.  The result showed that there is a correlation between social media usage and anxiety over sleep quality. Social Media Usage Dependence degree on Sleep Quality was 59.3% and Anxiety level dependence degree on Sleep Quality was 65.3%. Ordinal logistical regression analysis showed that students who were inactive in social media had a good sleep quality, a rate of 0.462 times compared to students who were active in social media. Meanwhile, students with mild anxiety levels had a good sleep quality of 0.369 times compared to moderate anxiety levels.

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