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Seeing its function as a forum for participation and partner of the village government, the LKD plays an important role in the administration of village governance in realizing the improvement of the welfare of the village community. This can be interpreted that the existence and involvement of LKD is very much needed. Therefore, through this service activity, it is hoped that it can provide an understanding to youth youth organizations about the positions, duties, and functions of youth organizations, and also provide knowledge about the basic laws and regulations that can be used as guidelines in the organization of youth organizations. The method of activity consists of; first, second lecture activities, discussion and question and answer activities and third, mentoring. Some conclusions that can be drawn from this Service activity are; (1) The youth organizations in Sidorejo Village actually understand their position, only in understanding their duties and functions they are still in understanding the duties and functions of youth organizations in general, namely only in the field of sports. (2) There has been no guidance from the village government on youth groups specifically in Sidorejo Village. And (3) Sidorejo Village has sufficient potential, namely having containers in the form of community organizations/institutions in accordance with the conditions and needs of the village community other than youth organizations, only in its implementation it is still not optimal. The groups/organizations should be able to synergize with each other.


Capacity Institutional and Instilling Understanding of Youth Organizations.

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How to Cite
Nursanty, N., & Hardayani, Y. (2022). Peningkatan Kapasistas Kelembagaan Karang Taruna Di Desa Sidorejo Kebupaten Bengkulu Tengah. JURNAL PENGABDIAN RAFFLESIA ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK, 1(1). Retrieved from


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