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This research aims to determine how the character formation of responsibility in scouting
education extracurricular activities for elementary school students. This type of research is
descriptive research with research methods namely qualitative research. The research subjects
were scout groups in SD Negeri 08 Bengkulu City and SD Negeri 69 Bengkulu City. This
research instrument using observation, interview and documentation guidelines. This research
data collection technique using observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained
were analyzed through Data collection, Data Condensation, Data Display, Conclusion
Drawing / Verification. The research aspect is focused on the activities of the opening
ceremony of the Scouting for Community Scouts, the results of the study use 3 character
indicators of responsibility: (1) exemplifies how to become good and proper ceremonial
attendant to members of the scout movement (2) assigning duties to each scout member a
heart- to- heart approach with thw practice girl. The conclusion of the study of responsibility
character from those 3 indicatorc could lead to the character of that responsibility to the
prescription- opening ceremony acrivities. Learners are responsible for assignments given by
the patrons and can create good character responsibilities.

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How to Cite
Wahono, I., Lukman, & Parmadi, B. (2023). Analisis Pembentukan Karakter Tanggung Jawab dalam Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Pendidikan Kepramukaan Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar. JURIDIKDAS: Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Dasar, 6(1), 126–132.