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The increasing demand for detailed bathymetric information ultimately has enhanced hydrographic surveying industry to diversify data collection techniques. In this case, Tikus Island is the object for this research. One of the important information needed is bathymetry to management this island. The aim of this research was to study, analize, and estimate the accuracy of bathymetry by using stump method and display this information to be bathymetry map. The research area in this paper was Tikus Island, Bengkulu. Field data was carried out during 28th – 30th June 2019. Data Processing held on January to February 2020. There were four steps following this paper. There were tidal analysis using admiralty, pre-processing imagery data, depth estimation using stump method, and accuracy test. Tidal data was taken from secondary data of Geospatial Information Agency on June 2019. The result showed the value of MSL was 0,000418 meter, LLWL was -0,756538 meter, HHWL was 0,76 meter, and Z0 was -0,539143 meter. Pre-processing was consist of atmospheric correction, layer stacking, masking, and cropping. Depth estimation used 52 observation point in algoritm of Stump. The result of estimate depth using algorithm of Stump showed that the depth value of Tikus Island was 0,858– 1,290 meters. The accuracy test result showed that R2 value was 0,779. It showed that he Stump method can be used to estimate depth well.

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How to Cite
Hanami, C. C., Hartono, D., & Anggoro, A. (2023). Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping Using Stump Method Through Sentinel-2b Imagery In Tikus Island. JURNAL ENGGANO, 7(2). Retrieved from


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