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Pantai panjang telah ditetapkan menjadi salah satu destinasi ekowisata yang ada di Kota Bengkulu. Terdapat 2 jenis marine debris (sampah organik dan sampah anorganik) yang meyebabkan permasalahan di Pantai Panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 macam marine debris yang digolongkan ke dalam sampah organik di Pantai Panjang yaitu kayu, kertas, kelapa, daun, akar, kardus, bambu, kulit durian, pinang, ketapang, serabut, pohon jagung dan mangrove. Sedangkan jenis sampah anorganik ditemukan 21 macam marine debris yaitu plastik, botol kaca, busa, kain, sepatu, pipet, sendal, tutup botol, tali, pecahan kaca, mainan plastik, karpet, pena, boneka, steorofom, karet, gabus, rem dan sikat gigi. Jenis sampah organik yang mendominasi adalah sampah kayu, sedangkan untuk sampah anorganik yang mendominasi adalah sampah plastik. Jumlah potongan sampah laut dan berat sampah laut tertinggi didominasi oleh sampah organik.

TYPES AND WEIGHT OF MARINE DEBRIS IN PANJANG BEACH BENGKULU CITY. Panjang beach has been established as one of the ecotourism destinations in Bengkulu city. There were 2 types of marine debris (organic waste and inorganic waste) which cause problems at Pantai Panjang. The results showed that there were 13 types of waste classified as organic waste in Pantai Beach, namely wood, paper, coconut, leaves, roots, cardboard, bamboo, durian, areca nut, ketapang, fibers, corn and mangrove. While inorganic waste types were found 21 kinds of marine debris, namely plastic, glass bottles, foam, cloth, shoes, pipettes, sandals, bottle caps, ropes, broken glass, plastic toys, carpets, pens, dolls, steorofomes, rubber, cork, brakes and tooth brush. The dominant type of organic waste was wood waste, while for inorganic waste that dominates was plastic waste. The highest number of pieces of marine debris and the weight of marine debris was dominated by organic waste.

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How to Cite
Johan, Y., Renta, P. P., Purnama, D., Muqsit, A., & Hariman, P. (2019). JENIS DAN BOBOT SAMPAH LAUT (MARINE DEBRIS) PANTAI PANJANG KOTA BENGKULU. JURNAL ENGGANO, 4(2), 243–256.


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