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The capability is necessary not only to exercise but also in situations of physical activity. To achieve this necessary exercise continuous and systematic so easily trained athletes in learning a new movement, such as the knee tuck jump exercise and split jump. The research was conducted with the pretest-posttest control group design in the second semester students PJKR STKIP study program of Citra Bakti, with a sample of 28 people who were divided into two groups and each group numbered 14 people, which are 14 people are control group and 14 people are experimental group.  Both groups were given different training carried out for 6 weeks with a frequency of exercise three times a week. The study Results were analyzed descriptively on the variants age, height, weight, body mass index in the two groups for which data was taken before sampling in the implementation of the training. Test using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and homogeneity test with Leven's tests. Test average travel time to dribble tested with t-paired with a value of p <0.05, with a mean Group 1 knee tuck jump before treatment 15.178 ± 0517 seconds and after treatment 10.969 ± 0.778 seconds with a value of p = 0.000. Whereas in Group II split jump with a mean 15.179 ± 0.462 before training and after training 11.563 seconds ± 0.562 seconds with a value of p = 0.000. Results of the effect of changes in travel time difference dribble after training on knee tuck jump Group I and Group II after training jump split-tested by an independent t with nilap p <0.05, and p values in this study p = 0.029 by a margin increase on group I knee tuck jump 4.209 and the difference in group II split jump 3.616 percentage increase in Group I with a knee tuck jump 27.73% and the percentage of Group II split jump 23.82%. It showed that the group I knee tuck jump and jump the second group split equally give the effect of an increase (p <0.05). However, the increase in Group I of knee tuck jump better than Group II split jump in terms of travel time. Suggested was intensified in the knee tuck jump training in the training process, athlete recruitment and implementation of motion activity, because it gives the effect of an increase.


travel time dribbling knee tuck jump split jump

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How to Cite
Wea, Y. M. (2021). Training Knee Tuck Jump In Order To Increasethe Time To Drill The Ball Than The Split Jump. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 5(3), 466–471.


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