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Knowing the level of student academic self concept is the main goal in this research. The research design used is a survey with a quantitative descriptive method. The population involved in this study was 50 students. The sample used in this study was 50 students using total sampling. The instrument in the form of a questionnaire was used to collect research data. The mean ideal and the standard deviation ideal were used to analyze the research data. The results of the analysis show that: 1) the mean value of male students is 61.8 and the standard deviation of 13.61; 2) the mean value of female students of 31.3 and the standard deviation of 11.90. So, it can be concluded that the level of academic self-concept of physical education students is in the high category.


Self-concept Students Physical education

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How to Cite
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Yarmani, Sutisyana, A., Syafrial, Arwin, & Sugihartono, T. (2022). Academic Self Concept of Physical Education Students. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 6(3), 514–519.


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