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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of plyometric training before and after smash technique training. This type of research is an experiment with a two group, the two groups are the plyometric group before technique training (BTT) and the plyometric group after technique training (ATT). The sample was 20 male and age 18-19 years, then grouped through ordinal pairing. The training program was carried out for 6 weeks with 18 meetings. Plyometric training program: squats, sit-ups, fence jumping, push-ups, up and down the bench, back-up, skipping, jack kneef, shuttle run, stabilization, sedo smash, step and shoulder. The program is 8 – 10 repetitions, 2 – 3 sets, recovery between sets 2 – 3 minutes, intensity 85% - 95%. Meanwhile, the smash technique training program is a drill accompanied by a coach with a total duration of 60 minutes. Data collection for smash skills as a pretest-posttest using the Stanley test. The t-test result (p<0.05), ATT shows Sig. 0.002, than BTT Sig. 0.078. Independent t-test (p<0.05) also shows that there is a difference between BTT and ATT is Sig. 0.042. Conclusion is placing plyometric training after a smash technique training session (ATT) is more effective in improving smash ability for male volleyball athletes aged 18-19 years. This study recommends scheduling plyometrics after technique training as a more optimal strategy, supporting better athletic performance and efficient recovery, while minimizing the risk of injury and fatigue.


Athlete performance Plyometric volleyball skill

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How to Cite
Permana, H., Sukamti, E. R., Suhadi, S., & Prabowo, T. A. (2025). The Effect of Plyometric Training Before and After Technical Training on Smash Ability of Male Volleyball Athletes. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 9(1), 98–106.


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