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This study described how the leadership of the principal in improving the work environment in SMA Negeri 1 Pendopo Empat Lawang District. This is descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects are personnel of Senior High School 1 Pendopo Collection technique using interview, observation, and document study. The results show that the success of the principal is evident from the smooth and smooth learning process of teaching and learning. Motivate, The role of a leader, should be able to pay attention to the needs and feelings of teachers and staff Tu. The relationship between principal and teachers and TU in Senior High School is seen to run harmoniously and intertwined. The atmosphere of a good school environment, and fun is expected to improve the quality and quality of a school and never be bored or satisfied with the existing situation. Clean classrooms, adequate lighting, clean air circulation. Structuring a good school environment will make school residents feel at home in school. The arrangement can be in the form of classroom park and ceremonial field arrangement, classroom corridor and study facilities, and also the wall coloring of each school building unit.

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