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Silika telah menjadi material yang populer karena sifat khas yang unik dan kelimpahannya yang tinggi. Bahan ini telah banyak dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan logam oksida lain untuk mendapat sifat yang menarik. Biogenik silika dapat diproduksi dan diekstraksi dari limbah agroindustri seperti sekam padi, daun bambu, salak, dan kelapa sawit. Artikel ini membahas tentang biogenik silika yang berasal dari limbah agroindustri sebagai pengganti silika komersil dalam sintesis material berbasis silika-logam oksida. Artikel ini menyorot preparasi bahan biogenik silika-logam oksida dari limbah agroindustri dan kemampuannya sebagai bahan penghilang zat warna. Selain itu, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa biogenik silika pengganti silika komersil dalam materil silika-logam oksida memiliki potensi yang sangat baik sebagai bahan penghilang zat warna.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Setyo Eko Nugroho Nugroho, Sal Prima Yudha

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Silviana. Silika Dan Pemanfaatannya. Penerbit Andi; 2021.
- Hardyanti, IS.; Nurani, I; Hardjono, H.P.D.S.; Apriliani, E.; Wibowo, E.A.P. Pemanfaatan Silika (SiO2) dan Bentonit sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat Fe pada Limbah Batik. JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan). 2017 Oct 13;3(2).
- Ramanathan, A.; Subramaniam, B. Metal-Incorporated Mesoporous Silicates: Tunable Catalytic Properties and Applications. Molecules. 2018 Jan 29;23(2):263.
- Yaseen, M.; Humayun, M.; Khan, A.; Idrees, M.; Shah, N.; Bibi, S. Photo-Assisted Removal of Rhodamine B and Nile Blue Dyes from Water Using CuO–SiO2 Composite. Molecules. 2022 Aug 22;27(16):5343.
- Fatimah, I.; Fadillah, G.; Sahroni, I.; Kamari, A.; Sagadevan, S.; Doong, R.A. Nanoflower-like composites of ZnO/SiO2 synthesized using bamboo leaves ash as reusable photocatalyst. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2021 Mar;14(3):102973.
- Padovini DSS, Magdalena AG, Capeli RG, Longo E, Dalmaschio CJ, Chiquito AJ, et al. Synthesis and characterization of ZrO2@SiO2 core-shell nanostructure as nanocatalyst: Application for environmental remediation of rhodamine B dye aqueous solution. Mater Chem Phys. 2019 May;233:1–8.
- Nandanwar, R.; Bamne, J.; Singh, N.; Sharma, P.K.; Singh, P; Umar. A, et al. Synthesis of Titania/Silica Nanocomposite for Enhanced Photodegradation of Methylene Blue and Methyl Orange Dyes under UV and Mercury Lights. ES Materials & Manufacturing. 2022;
- Rubab, R.; Ali, S.; Rehman, A.U.; Khan, S.A.; Khan, A.M. Templated synthesis of NiO/SiO2 nanocomposite for dye removal applications: Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic properties. Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp. 2021 Apr;615:126253.
- Hermida, L.; Purwati, L.; Agustian, J. Inkoporasi Oksida Timah (SnO2) ke dalam Silika Berpori dari Kaolin Alam Lampung dan Kajian Aplikasinya sebagai Fotokatalis untuk Fotodegradasi Rhodamin B. 2020.
- Luthfiah, A.; Deawati, Y.; Firdaus, M.L.; Rahayu, I.; Eddy, D.R. Silica from Natural Sources: a Review on the Extraction and Potential Application as a Supporting Photocatalytic Material for Antibacterial Activity. Science and Technology Indonesia. 2021 Jul 22;6(3):144–55.
- Vu, A.T.; Xuan, T.N.; Lee, C.H. Preparation of mesoporous Fe2O3·SiO2 composite from rice husk as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for degradation of organic dyes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2019 Apr;28:169–80.
- Handayani, P.A.; Nurjanah, E.; Rengga, W.D.P. Pemanfaatan Limbah Sekam Padi Menjadi Silika Gel. Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan. 2014 Dec 1;3(2).
- Vijayan, R.; Kumar, G.S.; Karunakaran, G.; Surumbarkuzhali, N.; Prabhu, S.; Ramesh, R. Microwave combustion synthesis of tin oxide-decorated silica nanostructure using rice husk template for supercapacitor applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2020 Apr 28;31(7):5738–45.
- Sembiring, S.; Riyanto, A.; Simanjuntak, W.; Situmeang, R. Effect of MgO-SiO2 Ratio on the Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) Precursors Characteristics Derived from Amorphous Rice Husk Silica. Oriental Journal of Chemistry. 2017 Aug 28;33(04):1828–36.
- Ngoc, K.H.P.; Vu, A.T. Simple Preparation of the CuO•Fe3O4/Silica Composite from Rice Husk for Enhancing Fenton-Like Catalytic Degradation of Tartrazine in a Wide pH Range. Adsorption Science & Technology. 2022 Jun 16;2022:1–16.
- Rizamarhaiza, M.; Ahmad, S.; Rahman, H.A.; Taib, H. The Effect of Sintering Temperature on Silica Derived from Rice Husk Ash - Nickel Oxide (SiO2 -NiO) Foam Fabrication via Slurry Technique. J Phys Conf Ser. 2018 Aug;1082:012020.
- Bortolotto, T.L.; Guzi, d.M.E.; Paolinelli, S.G.; Falk, G.; Novaes, d.O.A.P. Obtaining Biogenic Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse and Leaf Ash. Waste Biomass Valorization. 2021 Jun 10;12(6):3205–21.
- Rongchapo, W.; Deekamwong, K.; Chanlek, N.; Prayoonpokarach, S.; Wittayakun, J. Enhancement of Titanium Dioxide by Bagasse Silica for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes. Environment Asia. 2022;15.
- Hendra, S.W.; Egiyawati, C.; Setyani, P.A.; Fathoni, A.A.; Rizkiana, J.; Sasongko, D. Titania Modified Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse Waste for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2021 Apr 1;1143(1):012073.
- TIP Taslimah; Linda, S.S. Pemanfaatan Katalis Silika Alumina Dari Bagasse Pada Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Goreng Sisa Pakai. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. 2015 Aug 7;25(1).
- Sa’diyah, H.; Nurhimawan, S.; Fatoni, S.A.; Irmansyah, I.; Irzaman, I. Ektraksi Silikon Dioksida Dari Daun Bambu. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) SNF2016 UNJ. Pendidikan Fisika dan Fisika FMIPA UNJ; 2016. p. SNF2016-BMP-13-SNF2016-BMP-16.
- Mulyono, T. Bahan Bangunan Dan Konstruksi. Stiletto Book; 2021.
- Fatimah, I.; Prakoso, N.I.; Sahroni, I.; Musawwa, M.M.; Sim, Y.L.; Kooli, F.; et al. Physicochemical characteristics and photocatalytic performance of TiO2/SiO2 catalyst synthesized using biogenic silica from bamboo leaves. Heliyon. 2019 Nov;5(11):e02766.
- Fatimah, I.; Amaliah, S.N.; Andrian, M.F.; Handayani, T.P.; Nurillahi, R.; Prakoso, N.I.; et al. Iron oxide nanoparticles supported on biogenic silica derived from bamboo leaf ash for rhodamine B photodegradation. Sustain Chem Pharm. 2019 Sep;13:100149.
- Fatimah, I.; Taushiyah, A.; Najah, F.B.; Azmi, U. ZrO2/bamboo leaves ash (BLA) Catalyst in Biodiesel Conversion of Rice Bran Oil. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2018 Apr;349:012027.
- Agus, T. D.; Yudha, S.S.; Falahudin ,A. Electron Microscope and Diffraction Study of Snake Fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaert.) Voss) Peels. J Phys Conf Ser. 2021 Jun 1;1940(1):012038.
- Fatimah, I.; Purwiandono, G.; Sahroni, I.; Sagadevan, S.; Chun-Oh, W. Ghazali, S.A.I.S.M.; et al. Recyclable Catalyst of ZnO/SiO2 Prepared from Salacca Leaves Ash for Sustainable Biodiesel Conversion. S Afr J Chem Eng. 2022 Apr;40:134–43.
- Purwiandono, G.; Fatimah, I.; Sahroni, I.; Citradewi, P.W.; Kamari, A.; Sagadevan, S.; et al. Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoflakes synthesized using biogenic silica from Salacca zalacca leaf ash and the mechanistic insight into adsorption and photocatalytic wet peroxidation of dye. Green Processing and Synthesis. 2022 Apr 12;11(1):345–60.
- Imoisili, P.E.; Ukoba, K.O.; Jen, T.C. Green technology extraction and characterisation of silica nanoparticles from palm kernel shell ash via sol–gel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2020 Jan;9(1):307–13.
- Regna, T.J.; Jerry; Miftahurrahmah. Ekstraksi Silika dari Fly Ash Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Variasi Pelarut Karbonat. Jurnal Teknik Kimia USU. 2023 Mar 24;12(1):9–17.
- Rahmat, F.; Fen, Y.W.; Anuar, M.F.; Omar, N.A.S.; Zaid, M.H.M.; Matori, K.A.; et al. Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO-SiO2 Composite Using Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch as a Potential Silica Source. Molecules. 2021 Feb 18;26(4):1061.
- Onoja, E.; Attan, N.; Chandren, S.; Abdul, R.F.I.; Abdul, K.A.S.; Mahat, N.A.; et al. Insights into the physicochemical properties of the Malaysian oil palm leaves as an alternative source of industrial materials and bioenergy. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 2017 Dec 26;13(4):623–31.
- Yudha, S.S.; Falahudin, A.; Kaus, N.H.M.; Thongmee, S.; Ikram, S.; Asdim, A. Preliminary Synthesis of Calcium Silicates using Oil Palm Leaves and Eggshells. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis. 2020 Aug 1;15(2):561–7.
- Yudha, S.S.; Robkhob, P.; Imboon, T.; Falahudin, A.; Asdim; Thongmee, S. ZnO-SiO2 and Zn2SiO4 Synthesis Utilizing Oil Palm Leaves for Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye in Aqueous Solution. Journal of the Indonesian Chemical Society. 2020 Aug 31;3(2):94.
- Faizul, C.P.; Abdullah, C.; Fazlul, B. Review of Extraction of Silica from Agricultural Wastes Using Acid Leaching Treatment. Adv Mat Res. 2012 Dec;626:997–1000.
- Miratsi, L.; Aprilianti, R.; Hamrin, N.; Febriani, Y.; Afriani, F. Karakteristik Silika Abu Ampas Tebu Melalui Metode Sol-Gel. In: Proceedings Of National Colloquium Research And Community Service. 2021. p. 152–4.
- Suryadi, J.; Nabila, N.; Bayhaqi, S.N.; Andrijanto, E. Pengaruh Temperatur Kalsinasi Terhadap Kapasitas Ion Katalis Asam Heterogen Berbasis Silika dan Aplikasinya pada Sintesis Metil Oleat. KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia. 2023 Aug 31;9(2):122–31.
- Loy, D.A. Sol–Gel Processing. In: Meyers RA, editor. Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition). New York: Academic Press; 2003. p. 257–76.
- Sy, M.R.H.; Mardina, P. Ekstraksi silika dari abu sekam padi dengan pelarut KOH. Konversi. 2013;2(1):28–31.
- Purbaningtias, T.E.; Kurniawati, P.; Wiyantoko, B.; Prasetyoko, D.; Suprapto, S. Pengaruh Penambahan Surfaktan Pada Modifikasi Material Alam. Akta Kimia Indonesia. 2019 Oct 8;4(2):118.
- Hong, K.J.; Tan, C.H.; Tan, S.T.; Chong, K.K. Chapter 30 - Morphology and topography of quantum dots. In: Al-Douri Y, editor. Graphene, Nanotubes and Quantum Dots-Based Nanotechnology. Woodhead Publishing; 2022. p. 727–70.
- Rashid, U.; Soltani, S.; Al-Resayes, S.I.; Nehdi, I.A. 11 - Metal oxide catalysts for biodiesel production. In: Wu Y, editor. Metal Oxides in Energy Technologies. Elsevier; 2018. p. 303–19.
- Sietsma, J.R.A; Jos, V.D.A.; de Jongh, P.E.; de Jong, K.P. Application of ordered mesoporous materials as model supports to study catalyst preparation by impregnation and drying. In: Gaigneaux EM, Devillers M, De Vos DE, Hermans S, Jacobs PA, Martens JA, et al., editors. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. Elsevier; 2006. p. 95–102.
- Ningsih, S.K.W. Sintesis Anorganik. UNP Press; 2016.
- Tsai, P.J.; Uang, S.N.; Wang, S.M.; Wu, T.N.; Shih, T.S. 1.09 - Exposure Assessment in the Workplace. In: Pawliszyn J, editor. Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation. Oxford: Academic Press; 2012. p. 163–90.
- Aryee, A.A.; Han, R.; Qu, L. Occurrence, detection and removal of amoxicillin in wastewater: A review. J Clean Prod. 2022;368:133140.
- Ho, Y.S.; McKay G. The kinetics of sorption of divalent metal ions onto sphagnum moss peat. Water Res. 2000;34(3):735–42.
- Fatimah, I.; Fadhilah, S.; Mawardani, S.; Yulan. γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles immobilized in SiO2 aerogel synthesized from rice husk ash for photofenton like degradation of rhodamine B. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry. 2018 Apr 2;11.
- Budiasih, K.S.; Prodjosantosa, A.K.; Utomo, M.P.; Christyan, T. Sintesis Dan Aplikasi SiO2 Dari Daun Bambu Wulung (Gigantochloa atroviolacea) Sebagai Pengemban Fotokatalis Untuk Degradasi Pewarna Congo Red. Jurnal Sains Dasar. 2019;8(1):1–5.
Silviana. Silika Dan Pemanfaatannya. Penerbit Andi; 2021.
Hardyanti, IS.; Nurani, I; Hardjono, H.P.D.S.; Apriliani, E.; Wibowo, E.A.P. Pemanfaatan Silika (SiO2) dan Bentonit sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat Fe pada Limbah Batik. JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan). 2017 Oct 13;3(2).
Ramanathan, A.; Subramaniam, B. Metal-Incorporated Mesoporous Silicates: Tunable Catalytic Properties and Applications. Molecules. 2018 Jan 29;23(2):263.
Yaseen, M.; Humayun, M.; Khan, A.; Idrees, M.; Shah, N.; Bibi, S. Photo-Assisted Removal of Rhodamine B and Nile Blue Dyes from Water Using CuO–SiO2 Composite. Molecules. 2022 Aug 22;27(16):5343.
Fatimah, I.; Fadillah, G.; Sahroni, I.; Kamari, A.; Sagadevan, S.; Doong, R.A. Nanoflower-like composites of ZnO/SiO2 synthesized using bamboo leaves ash as reusable photocatalyst. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2021 Mar;14(3):102973.
Padovini DSS, Magdalena AG, Capeli RG, Longo E, Dalmaschio CJ, Chiquito AJ, et al. Synthesis and characterization of ZrO2@SiO2 core-shell nanostructure as nanocatalyst: Application for environmental remediation of rhodamine B dye aqueous solution. Mater Chem Phys. 2019 May;233:1–8.
Nandanwar, R.; Bamne, J.; Singh, N.; Sharma, P.K.; Singh, P; Umar. A, et al. Synthesis of Titania/Silica Nanocomposite for Enhanced Photodegradation of Methylene Blue and Methyl Orange Dyes under UV and Mercury Lights. ES Materials & Manufacturing. 2022;
Rubab, R.; Ali, S.; Rehman, A.U.; Khan, S.A.; Khan, A.M. Templated synthesis of NiO/SiO2 nanocomposite for dye removal applications: Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic properties. Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp. 2021 Apr;615:126253.
Hermida, L.; Purwati, L.; Agustian, J. Inkoporasi Oksida Timah (SnO2) ke dalam Silika Berpori dari Kaolin Alam Lampung dan Kajian Aplikasinya sebagai Fotokatalis untuk Fotodegradasi Rhodamin B. 2020.
Luthfiah, A.; Deawati, Y.; Firdaus, M.L.; Rahayu, I.; Eddy, D.R. Silica from Natural Sources: a Review on the Extraction and Potential Application as a Supporting Photocatalytic Material for Antibacterial Activity. Science and Technology Indonesia. 2021 Jul 22;6(3):144–55.
Vu, A.T.; Xuan, T.N.; Lee, C.H. Preparation of mesoporous Fe2O3·SiO2 composite from rice husk as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for degradation of organic dyes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2019 Apr;28:169–80.
Handayani, P.A.; Nurjanah, E.; Rengga, W.D.P. Pemanfaatan Limbah Sekam Padi Menjadi Silika Gel. Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan. 2014 Dec 1;3(2).
Vijayan, R.; Kumar, G.S.; Karunakaran, G.; Surumbarkuzhali, N.; Prabhu, S.; Ramesh, R. Microwave combustion synthesis of tin oxide-decorated silica nanostructure using rice husk template for supercapacitor applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2020 Apr 28;31(7):5738–45.
Sembiring, S.; Riyanto, A.; Simanjuntak, W.; Situmeang, R. Effect of MgO-SiO2 Ratio on the Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) Precursors Characteristics Derived from Amorphous Rice Husk Silica. Oriental Journal of Chemistry. 2017 Aug 28;33(04):1828–36.
Ngoc, K.H.P.; Vu, A.T. Simple Preparation of the CuO•Fe3O4/Silica Composite from Rice Husk for Enhancing Fenton-Like Catalytic Degradation of Tartrazine in a Wide pH Range. Adsorption Science & Technology. 2022 Jun 16;2022:1–16.
Rizamarhaiza, M.; Ahmad, S.; Rahman, H.A.; Taib, H. The Effect of Sintering Temperature on Silica Derived from Rice Husk Ash - Nickel Oxide (SiO2 -NiO) Foam Fabrication via Slurry Technique. J Phys Conf Ser. 2018 Aug;1082:012020.
Bortolotto, T.L.; Guzi, d.M.E.; Paolinelli, S.G.; Falk, G.; Novaes, d.O.A.P. Obtaining Biogenic Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse and Leaf Ash. Waste Biomass Valorization. 2021 Jun 10;12(6):3205–21.
Rongchapo, W.; Deekamwong, K.; Chanlek, N.; Prayoonpokarach, S.; Wittayakun, J. Enhancement of Titanium Dioxide by Bagasse Silica for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes. Environment Asia. 2022;15.
Hendra, S.W.; Egiyawati, C.; Setyani, P.A.; Fathoni, A.A.; Rizkiana, J.; Sasongko, D. Titania Modified Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse Waste for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2021 Apr 1;1143(1):012073.
TIP Taslimah; Linda, S.S. Pemanfaatan Katalis Silika Alumina Dari Bagasse Pada Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Goreng Sisa Pakai. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. 2015 Aug 7;25(1).
Sa’diyah, H.; Nurhimawan, S.; Fatoni, S.A.; Irmansyah, I.; Irzaman, I. Ektraksi Silikon Dioksida Dari Daun Bambu. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) SNF2016 UNJ. Pendidikan Fisika dan Fisika FMIPA UNJ; 2016. p. SNF2016-BMP-13-SNF2016-BMP-16.
Mulyono, T. Bahan Bangunan Dan Konstruksi. Stiletto Book; 2021.
Fatimah, I.; Prakoso, N.I.; Sahroni, I.; Musawwa, M.M.; Sim, Y.L.; Kooli, F.; et al. Physicochemical characteristics and photocatalytic performance of TiO2/SiO2 catalyst synthesized using biogenic silica from bamboo leaves. Heliyon. 2019 Nov;5(11):e02766.
Fatimah, I.; Amaliah, S.N.; Andrian, M.F.; Handayani, T.P.; Nurillahi, R.; Prakoso, N.I.; et al. Iron oxide nanoparticles supported on biogenic silica derived from bamboo leaf ash for rhodamine B photodegradation. Sustain Chem Pharm. 2019 Sep;13:100149.
Fatimah, I.; Taushiyah, A.; Najah, F.B.; Azmi, U. ZrO2/bamboo leaves ash (BLA) Catalyst in Biodiesel Conversion of Rice Bran Oil. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2018 Apr;349:012027.
Agus, T. D.; Yudha, S.S.; Falahudin ,A. Electron Microscope and Diffraction Study of Snake Fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaert.) Voss) Peels. J Phys Conf Ser. 2021 Jun 1;1940(1):012038.
Fatimah, I.; Purwiandono, G.; Sahroni, I.; Sagadevan, S.; Chun-Oh, W. Ghazali, S.A.I.S.M.; et al. Recyclable Catalyst of ZnO/SiO2 Prepared from Salacca Leaves Ash for Sustainable Biodiesel Conversion. S Afr J Chem Eng. 2022 Apr;40:134–43.
Purwiandono, G.; Fatimah, I.; Sahroni, I.; Citradewi, P.W.; Kamari, A.; Sagadevan, S.; et al. Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoflakes synthesized using biogenic silica from Salacca zalacca leaf ash and the mechanistic insight into adsorption and photocatalytic wet peroxidation of dye. Green Processing and Synthesis. 2022 Apr 12;11(1):345–60.
Imoisili, P.E.; Ukoba, K.O.; Jen, T.C. Green technology extraction and characterisation of silica nanoparticles from palm kernel shell ash via sol–gel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2020 Jan;9(1):307–13.
Regna, T.J.; Jerry; Miftahurrahmah. Ekstraksi Silika dari Fly Ash Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Variasi Pelarut Karbonat. Jurnal Teknik Kimia USU. 2023 Mar 24;12(1):9–17.
Rahmat, F.; Fen, Y.W.; Anuar, M.F.; Omar, N.A.S.; Zaid, M.H.M.; Matori, K.A.; et al. Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO-SiO2 Composite Using Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch as a Potential Silica Source. Molecules. 2021 Feb 18;26(4):1061.
Onoja, E.; Attan, N.; Chandren, S.; Abdul, R.F.I.; Abdul, K.A.S.; Mahat, N.A.; et al. Insights into the physicochemical properties of the Malaysian oil palm leaves as an alternative source of industrial materials and bioenergy. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 2017 Dec 26;13(4):623–31.
Yudha, S.S.; Falahudin, A.; Kaus, N.H.M.; Thongmee, S.; Ikram, S.; Asdim, A. Preliminary Synthesis of Calcium Silicates using Oil Palm Leaves and Eggshells. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis. 2020 Aug 1;15(2):561–7.
Yudha, S.S.; Robkhob, P.; Imboon, T.; Falahudin, A.; Asdim; Thongmee, S. ZnO-SiO2 and Zn2SiO4 Synthesis Utilizing Oil Palm Leaves for Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye in Aqueous Solution. Journal of the Indonesian Chemical Society. 2020 Aug 31;3(2):94.
Faizul, C.P.; Abdullah, C.; Fazlul, B. Review of Extraction of Silica from Agricultural Wastes Using Acid Leaching Treatment. Adv Mat Res. 2012 Dec;626:997–1000.
Miratsi, L.; Aprilianti, R.; Hamrin, N.; Febriani, Y.; Afriani, F. Karakteristik Silika Abu Ampas Tebu Melalui Metode Sol-Gel. In: Proceedings Of National Colloquium Research And Community Service. 2021. p. 152–4.
Suryadi, J.; Nabila, N.; Bayhaqi, S.N.; Andrijanto, E. Pengaruh Temperatur Kalsinasi Terhadap Kapasitas Ion Katalis Asam Heterogen Berbasis Silika dan Aplikasinya pada Sintesis Metil Oleat. KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia. 2023 Aug 31;9(2):122–31.
Loy, D.A. Sol–Gel Processing. In: Meyers RA, editor. Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition). New York: Academic Press; 2003. p. 257–76.
Sy, M.R.H.; Mardina, P. Ekstraksi silika dari abu sekam padi dengan pelarut KOH. Konversi. 2013;2(1):28–31.
Purbaningtias, T.E.; Kurniawati, P.; Wiyantoko, B.; Prasetyoko, D.; Suprapto, S. Pengaruh Penambahan Surfaktan Pada Modifikasi Material Alam. Akta Kimia Indonesia. 2019 Oct 8;4(2):118.
Hong, K.J.; Tan, C.H.; Tan, S.T.; Chong, K.K. Chapter 30 - Morphology and topography of quantum dots. In: Al-Douri Y, editor. Graphene, Nanotubes and Quantum Dots-Based Nanotechnology. Woodhead Publishing; 2022. p. 727–70.
Rashid, U.; Soltani, S.; Al-Resayes, S.I.; Nehdi, I.A. 11 - Metal oxide catalysts for biodiesel production. In: Wu Y, editor. Metal Oxides in Energy Technologies. Elsevier; 2018. p. 303–19.
Sietsma, J.R.A; Jos, V.D.A.; de Jongh, P.E.; de Jong, K.P. Application of ordered mesoporous materials as model supports to study catalyst preparation by impregnation and drying. In: Gaigneaux EM, Devillers M, De Vos DE, Hermans S, Jacobs PA, Martens JA, et al., editors. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. Elsevier; 2006. p. 95–102.
Ningsih, S.K.W. Sintesis Anorganik. UNP Press; 2016.
Tsai, P.J.; Uang, S.N.; Wang, S.M.; Wu, T.N.; Shih, T.S. 1.09 - Exposure Assessment in the Workplace. In: Pawliszyn J, editor. Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation. Oxford: Academic Press; 2012. p. 163–90.
Aryee, A.A.; Han, R.; Qu, L. Occurrence, detection and removal of amoxicillin in wastewater: A review. J Clean Prod. 2022;368:133140.
Ho, Y.S.; McKay G. The kinetics of sorption of divalent metal ions onto sphagnum moss peat. Water Res. 2000;34(3):735–42.
Fatimah, I.; Fadhilah, S.; Mawardani, S.; Yulan. γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles immobilized in SiO2 aerogel synthesized from rice husk ash for photofenton like degradation of rhodamine B. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry. 2018 Apr 2;11.
Budiasih, K.S.; Prodjosantosa, A.K.; Utomo, M.P.; Christyan, T. Sintesis Dan Aplikasi SiO2 Dari Daun Bambu Wulung (Gigantochloa atroviolacea) Sebagai Pengemban Fotokatalis Untuk Degradasi Pewarna Congo Red. Jurnal Sains Dasar. 2019;8(1):1–5.