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In the oil processing and manufacturing industry (PLTGU) in Indonesia, including PT.
PERTAMINA. Where the processing is in the form of crude oil, BBM (fuel oil). Non-Fuel,
Petrochemicals and oil and gas supplies, for the eastern part of Indonesia. One of the main
ingredients of this processing is water (H2O). Therefore, the location or location of industrial
plants must be close to raw water sources, namely sea water or the need for clean water
continuously andmaintained. Because the need forwateris very large, the flowof wateris made
according to the needs by building a pumping station. The water needed for cooling water is
then channeled to the main reservoir for raw materials for making oil. Pumps are used as a
tool to move fluids from one place to another through pipe media with changes in pressure on
the fluid. Pumps are usually for liquids. In the pump installation from the cooling tower
installation to the main reservoir is the Vogel centrifugal pump, where the head loss on the
suction pipe line is 0.8993 m, the head loss for the outlet pipe line is 1.211 m with a total head
loss of 0.825 m and the efficiency or performance of the pump G-31-41A centrifuge of 33.78%


head losses efficiency centrifugal pump

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How to Cite
angky, puspawan, Manurung, M. M., & Nuramal, A. N. (2024). The ANALYSIS OF HEAD LOSSES AND EFFICIENCY OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMP G31-41A PLANT 35 AT PT. PERTAMINA REFINERY RU V BALIKPAPAN. Teknosia, 18(1), 12–20.


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